Eiffel: In A Class By Itself

Eiffel is a seamless object-oriented software environment designed for demanding enterprise applications.
The Eiffel Software family of development environments provide an integrated O-O solution for software developers, from analysis and design to code generation, maintenance, and reverse engineering.
EiffelStudio is one of the most portable environments in the industry, providing full source-code compatibility across a wide range of client and server platforms, from Windows 95/98/Me/XP/NT/2000 to all major Unix brands, Linux and VMS. Eiffel is ideal for client-server and cross-platform development.
The components of Eiffel Software's Eiffel include EiffelStudio, EiffelBase, EiffelBuild, EiffelVision2, EiffelLex, EiffelParse, EiffelNet, EiffelStore, EiffelMath, EiffelCOM, EiffelWeb, Legacy++, DLE.
The award-winning EiffelBench and Jolt award finalist EiffelCase are gone! A new tool, EiffelStudio, brings together all the functionality of the environment, both textual and graphical. EiffelStudio achieves the Eiffel aim of completely seamless and reversible development, letting you choose at any time between graphical tools and textual tools.
The library of fundamental data structures and algorithms, covering the basics of computing.
Embedded Eiffel
Special version of the environment adapted to the needs of the most demanding embedded and real-time applications. The power of objects; the performance of C.
Interoperability library using using COM, OLE, ActiveX.
Interoperability library using CORBA.
Numeric and scientific computation on platforms supporting the NAG C library.
For client-server and three-tier architectures: exchanging objects and object structures over a network, guaranteeing the consistency of transmitted structures. Cross-platform. Ideal for distributed applications.
For lexical analysis based on finite automata of various kinds.
For object-oriented parsing mechanisms, based on simple and elegant principles. Yields parsers that can be easily adapted to language changes, and to several semantics for the same language.
The principal interface between Eiffel and external database management systems, relational or object-oriented.
Web form processing that uses Eiffel to write CGI scripts.
Eiffel's application generator and graphical user interface builder.
DLE gives Eiffel developers the ability to integrate new classes into their systems at run time.
The platform-independent graphical and graphical user interface (GUI) library.
Eiffel Resource Bench
Enables you to use a Windows GUI builder (resource editor) to define the interface of an Eiffel application, through WEL.
Thread library providing the full power of multithreading.
C++ class wrapper: re-engineer C++ applications, wrapping them into Eiffel classes.