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If you are going to work on a copy, choose or create a directory of your own; let's call it YOURDIR for the rest of the discussion.

To copy all the files of the example to YOURDIR :

Once you have compiled the example under EiffelStudio, relying on the precompiled EiffelBase library (the default), and without optimization, the contents of YOURDIR will take up less than one megabyte, including information on diagrams and metrics.

The final executable generated through " finalization " (optimized compilation) will take only about 300 kilobytes.

Without precompiled EiffelBase you would need about 3.5 megabytes, plus about 25 megabytes of generated C code and auxiliary files. The executable in that case will take up about 250 kilobytes,

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Eiffel Home Page (Web) -- Getting started with Eiffel (local)