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Feb. 5, 1998Can Eiffel Topple Java's Tower?The storyThe February issue of Object Magazine, is the latest example of a continuing stream of recent press coverage of the surge of interest in Eiffel and ISE. Article excerpts(These are only excerpts; read the magazine for full details.) The Eiffel O-O language is not new; industry programmers have known about it since 1986. Eiffel, introduced by Interactive Software Engineering, enjoyed a brief heyday (see our comment below!) at that time -- which was in no way harmed by the fact that ISE president Bertrand Meyer is one of the key names in the history of OOP. [...] ISE's cleverly timed release [of an attractively priced version of ISE Eiffel for Windows] has spawned a new interest in the language. Eiffel converts are enthusiastic that this language is not only more thorough and versatile than Java, but easier to code. If you want to find out for yourself, download a free evaluation package from ISE's Web site at http://eiffel.com. Our commentsWe find it exciting that Object Magazine, the undisputed publication of choice for managers and executives interested in object technology, has noticed the growing excitement around Eiffel.Eiffel's "heyday" was of course not "brief" -- the size of the community, and the number of successful mission-critical customer projects done with ISE Eiffel, have in grown continuously since Eiffel's introduction in 1986 --, but that's a minor quibble. Coming after John Dvorak's endorsement of Eiffel in the December PC Magazine and a constant spate of new enthusiastic articles, the comments of Object Magazine are one more sign of the growth of Eiffel usage and recognition. ReferenceCan Eiffel Topple Java's Tower in "Object Front", Object Magazine, volume 7, no. 12, February 1998, pages 9-11. To other "news stories of the week".