Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
indexing description: "[ Access to internal object properties. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities. ]" status: "See notice at end of class" date: "$Date: 2001-11-16 20:32:23 +0000 (Fri, 16 Nov 2001) $" revision: "$Revision: 51435 $" class INTERNAL feature -- Access Bit_type: INTEGER is 8 boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): BOOLEAN is -- Boolean value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) boolean_field: field_type (i, object) = boolean_type do Result := c_boolean_field (i - 1, $object) end Boolean_type: INTEGER is 3 character_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): CHARACTER is -- Character value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) character_field: field_type (i, object) = character_type do Result := c_character_field (i - 1, $object) end Character_type: INTEGER is 2 class_name (object: ANY): STRING is -- Name of the class associated with object require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := object.generator end double_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): DOUBLE is -- Double precision value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) double_field: field_type (i, object) = double_type do Result := c_double_field (i - 1, $object) end Double_type: INTEGER is 6 dynamic_type (object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Dynamic type of object require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := c_dynamic_type ($object) end expanded_field_type (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): STRING is -- Class name associated with the i-th -- expanded field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) is_expanded: field_type (i, object) = expanded_type do Result := c_expanded_type (i - 1, $object) ensure result_exists: Result /= void end Expanded_type: INTEGER is 7 field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): ANY is -- Object attached to the i-th field of object -- (directly or through a reference) require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) not_special: not is_special (object) do Result := c_field (i - 1, $object) end field_name (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): STRING is -- Name of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) not_special: not is_special (object) do create Result.make_from_c (c_field_name_of_type (i - 1, c_dynamic_type ($object))) ensure result_exists: Result /= void end field_name_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): STRING is -- Name of i-th field of dynamic type type_id. require index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enought: i <= field_count_of_type (type_id) do create Result.make_from_c (c_field_name_of_type (i - 1, type_id)) end field_offset (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Offset of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) not_special: not is_special (object) do Result := c_field_offset (i - 1, $object) end field_type (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Type of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) do Result := c_field_type_of_type (i - 1, c_dynamic_type ($object)) end field_type_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER is -- Type of i-th field of dynamic type type_id require index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count_of_type (type_id) do Result := c_field_type_of_type (i - 1, type_id) end generic_dynamic_type (object: ANY; i: INTEGER): INTEGER is -- Dynamic type of generic parameter of object at -- position i. do Result := eif_gen_param_id (- 1, $object, i) end Integer_16_type: INTEGER is 10 Integer_32_type: INTEGER is 4 Integer_64_type: INTEGER is 11 Integer_8_type: INTEGER is 9 integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Integer value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) integer_field: field_type (i, object) = integer_type do Result := c_integer_field (i - 1, $object) end Integer_type: INTEGER is 4 pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): POINTER is -- Pointer value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) pointer_field: field_type (i, object) = pointer_type do Result := c_pointer_field (i - 1, $object) end Pointer_type: INTEGER is 0 real_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): REAL is -- Real value of i-th field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) real_field: field_type (i, object) = real_type do Result := c_real_field (i - 1, $object) end Real_type: INTEGER is 5 Reference_type: INTEGER is 1 Wide_character_type: INTEGER is 12 feature -- Measurement bit_size (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Size (in bit) of the i-th bit field of object require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) is_bit: field_type (i, object) = bit_type do Result := c_bit_size (i - 1, $object) ensure positive_result: Result > 0 end field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Number of logical fields in object require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := field_count_of_type (c_dynamic_type ($object)) end field_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER is -- Number of logical fields in dynamic type type_id. external "C macro signature (EIF_INTEGER): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_count_field_of_type" end physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER is -- Space occupied by object in bytes require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := c_size ($object) end feature -- Status report is_special (object: ANY): BOOLEAN is -- Is object a special object? -- It only recognized a special object -- initialized within a TO_SPECIAL object. require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := c_is_special ($object) end feature -- Element change set_boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: BOOLEAN) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) boolean_field: field_type (i, object) = boolean_type do c_set_boolean_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_character_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER) is -- Set character value of i-th field of object to value require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) character_field: field_type (i, object) = character_type do c_set_character_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_double_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: DOUBLE) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) double_field: field_type (i, object) = double_type do c_set_double_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: INTEGER) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) integer_field: field_type (i, object) = integer_type do c_set_integer_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: POINTER) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) pointer_field: field_type (i, object) = pointer_type do c_set_pointer_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_real_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: REAL) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) real_field: field_type (i, object) = real_type do c_set_real_field (i - 1, $object, value) end set_reference_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: ANY) is require object_not_void: object /= void index_large_enough: i >= 1 index_small_enough: i <= field_count (object) reference_field: field_type (i, object) = reference_type do c_set_reference_field (i - 1, $object, $value) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation c_bit_size (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): INTEGER is -- Size (in bit) of the i-th bit field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_bit_size" end c_boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): BOOLEAN is -- Boolean value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_BOOLEAN | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_bool_field" end c_character_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): CHARACTER is -- Character value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_CHARACTER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_char_field" end c_double_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): DOUBLE is -- Double precision value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_DOUBLE | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_double_field" end c_dynamic_type (object: POINTER): INTEGER is -- Dynamic type of object external "C macro signature (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_macros.h%"" alias "Dftype" end c_expanded_type (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): STRING is -- Class name of the i-th expanded field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_REFERENCE | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_exp_type" end c_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): ANY is -- Object referenced by the i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_REFERENCE | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_field" end c_field_name_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): POINTER is -- C pointer to name of i-th field of object external "C macro signature (EIF_INTEGER, EIF_INTEGER): EIF_POINTER use %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_field_name_of_type" end c_field_offset (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): INTEGER is -- Offset of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_offset" end c_field_type_of_type (i: INTEGER; type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER is -- Type of i-th field of dynamic type type_id external "C signature (long, EIF_INTEGER): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_field_type_of_type" end c_integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): INTEGER is -- Integer value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_int_field" end c_is_instance_of (type1: INTEGER; obj: POINTER): BOOLEAN is -- Is obj an instance of type1? external "C [macro %"eif_macros.h%"]" alias "RTRA" end c_is_special (object: POINTER): BOOLEAN is -- Is object a special object? external "C (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_BOOLEAN | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_special" end c_pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): POINTER is -- Pointer value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_POINTER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_ptr_field" end c_real_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER): REAL is -- Real value of i-th field of object external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_REAL | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_float_field" end c_set_boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: BOOLEAN) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_BOOLEAN) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_boolean_field" end c_set_character_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: CHARACTER) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_CHARACTER) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_char_field" end c_set_double_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: DOUBLE) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_DOUBLE) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_double_field" end c_set_integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: INTEGER) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_INTEGER) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_integer_field" end c_set_pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: POINTER) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_POINTER) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_pointer_field" end c_set_real_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: REAL) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_REAL) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_float_field" end c_set_reference_field (i: INTEGER; object: POINTER; value: POINTER) is external "C (long, EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_REFERENCE) | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_set_reference_field" end c_size (object: POINTER): INTEGER is -- Physical size of object external "C (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_internal.h%"" alias "ei_size" end c_type_id (s: POINTER): INTEGER is external "C (char *): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_cecil.h%"" alias "eif_type_id" end eif_gen_param_id (stype: INTEGER; obj: POINTER; pos: INTEGER): INTEGER is -- Type of generic parameter in obj at position pos. external "C (int16, EIF_REFERENCE, int): EIF_INTEGER | %"eif_gen_conf.h%"" end feature -- Conformance is_instance_of (object: ANY; type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- Is object an instance of type type_id? require object_not_void: object /= void do Result := c_is_instance_of (type_id, $object) end type_conforms_to (type1, type2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- Does type1 conform to type2? external "C | %"eif_gen_conf.h%"" alias "eif_gen_conf" end feature -- Creation dynamic_type_from_string (class_type: STRING): INTEGER is -- Dynamic type corresponding to class_type. -- If no dynamic type available, returns -1. require class_type_not_void: class_type /= void local a: ANY do a := class_type.to_c Result := c_type_id ($a) ensure valid_result: Result = - 1 or else Result >= 0 end new_instance_of (type_id: INTEGER): ANY is -- New instance of dynamic type_id. -- Note: returned object is not initialized and may -- hence violate its invariant. external "C [macro %"eif_macros.h%"]" alias "RTLN" end feature -- Version compiler_version: INTEGER is external "C [macro %"eif_project.h%"]" alias "egc_compiler_tag" end invariant -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) indexing library: "[ EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel. ]" status: "[ Copyright 1986-2001 Interactive Software Engineering (ISE). For ISE customers the original versions are an ISE product covered by the ISE Eiffel license and support agreements. ]" license: "[ EiffelBase may now be used by anyone as FREE SOFTWARE to develop any product, public-domain or commercial, without payment to ISE, under the terms of the ISE Free Eiffel Library License (IFELL) at ]" source: "[ Interactive Software Engineering Inc. ISE Building 360 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Electronic mail <> Customer support ]" info: "[ For latest info see award-winning pages: ]" end -- class INTERNAL -- Generated by ISE Eiffel --
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