Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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expanded class CHARACTER General cluster: base.kernel description: "Characters, with comparison operations and an ASCII code" Ancestors CHARACTER_REF Queries infix ">=" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): BOOLEAN infix ">" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): BOOLEAN infix "<=" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): BOOLEAN infix "<" (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): BOOLEAN infix "-" (decr: INTEGER): CHARACTER infix "+" (incr: INTEGER): CHARACTER infix "|-|" (other: CHARACTER): INTEGER code: INTEGER hash_code: INTEGER is_alpha: BOOLEAN is_digit: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): BOOLEAN is_hashable: BOOLEAN is_lower: BOOLEAN is_upper: BOOLEAN item: CHARACTER lower: CHARACTER max (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): [like Current] CHARACTER min (other: [like Current] CHARACTER): [like Current] CHARACTER next: CHARACTER out: STRING previous: CHARACTER three_way_comparison (other: CHARACTER_REF): INTEGER upper: CHARACTER Commands set_item (c: CHARACTER)
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Text Flat Contracts Flat contracts Go to:

-- Generated by ISE Eiffel --
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