Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel
class BIT_REF General cluster: base.kernel description: "Bit sequences of length `count', with binary operations" Ancestors ANY Queries infix "#" (s: INTEGER): [like Current] BIT_REF infix "@" (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN infix "and" (other: BIT_REF): BIT_REF infix "implies" (other: BIT_REF): BIT_REF infix "or" (other: BIT_REF): BIT_REF infix "^" (s: INTEGER): [like Current] BIT_REF infix "xor" (other: BIT_REF): BIT_REF prefix "not": [like Current] BIT_REF conforms_to (other: BIT_REF): BOOLEAN count: INTEGER generator: STRING item (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN out: STRING Commands put (value: BOOLEAN; i: INTEGER) -- Generated by ISE Eiffel --
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