Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Text Flat Contracts Flat contracts Go to:
class INTERNAL General cluster: description: "Access to internal object properties. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities." Ancestors ANY Queries bit_size (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER Bit_type: INTEGER boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): BOOLEAN Boolean_type: INTEGER character_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): CHARACTER Character_type: INTEGER class_name (object: ANY): STRING compiler_version: INTEGER double_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): DOUBLE Double_type: INTEGER dynamic_type (object: ANY): INTEGER dynamic_type_from_string (class_type: STRING): INTEGER expanded_field_type (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): STRING Expanded_type: INTEGER field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): ANY field_count (object: ANY): INTEGER field_count_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER field_name (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): STRING field_name_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER): STRING field_offset (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER field_type (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER field_type_of_type (i, type_id: INTEGER): INTEGER generic_dynamic_type (object: ANY; i: INTEGER): INTEGER Integer_16_type: INTEGER Integer_32_type: INTEGER Integer_64_type: INTEGER Integer_8_type: INTEGER integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): INTEGER Integer_type: INTEGER is_instance_of (object: ANY; type_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN is_special (object: ANY): BOOLEAN new_instance_of (type_id: INTEGER): ANY physical_size (object: ANY): INTEGER pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): POINTER Pointer_type: INTEGER real_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY): REAL Real_type: INTEGER Reference_type: INTEGER type_conforms_to (type1, type2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN Wide_character_type: INTEGER Commands set_boolean_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: BOOLEAN) set_character_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: CHARACTER) set_double_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: DOUBLE) set_integer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: INTEGER) set_pointer_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: POINTER) set_real_field (i: INTEGER; object: ANY; value: REAL) set_reference_field (i: INTEGER; object, value: ANY)
Classes Clusters Cluster hierarchy Chart Relations Text Flat Contracts Flat contracts Go to:

-- Generated by ISE Eiffel --
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