Automatic generation produced by ISE Eiffel

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class PART_SORTED_SET [G -> PART_COMPARABLE] General cluster: base.structures.set description: "Sets whose items may be compared according to a partial order relation implemented as sorted two-way lists." create: make Ancestors LINEAR_SUBSET [G] PART_SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [G -> PART_COMPARABLE] Queries after: BOOLEAN before: BOOLEAN changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN count: INTEGER disjoint (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN duplicate (n: INTEGER): [like Current] PART_SORTED_SET [G] Extendible: BOOLEAN has (v: G): BOOLEAN index: INTEGER is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] PART_SORTED_SET [G]): BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: G): BOOLEAN is_subset (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN is_superset (other: SUBSET [G]): BOOLEAN islast: BOOLEAN item: G linear_representation: LINEAR [G] object_comparison: BOOLEAN off: BOOLEAN prunable: BOOLEAN valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN Commands compare_objects compare_references copy (other: [like Current] PART_SORTED_SET [G]) extend (v: G) fill (other: CONTAINER [G]) finish forth go_i_th (i: INTEGER) intersect (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) merge (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) move_item (v: G) prune (v: [like item] G) prune_all (v: [like item] G) put (v: G) put_left (v: [like item] G) remove start subtract (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) symdif (other: TRAVERSABLE_SUBSET [G]) wipe_out
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-- Generated by ISE Eiffel --
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