Software Construction,
second edition:
or: concurrency for the rest of us
Bertrand Meyer, ISE
This text is taken from chapter 25 of the book
Object-Oriented Software Construction,
second edition, Prentice Hall, 1997.
For this particular chapter the version used is in fact not the final one,
but a draft (close to the final version). It was made available a few months ago
following discussions of concurrency on Usenet.
We apologize for the obvious
formatting deficiencies (margin notes appearing as improperly clipped inserts,
figures sometimes clipped too). This text is only intended to give an idea of
the actual book, which is of course
properly formatted, using two colors and many figures; the accompanying CD has
everything under the same format as the book, with all cross-references
transformed into clickable hyperlinks.
© Bertrand Meyer, 1997. Duplication and distribution prohibited.
chapter table of contents.
This is an earlier draft of chapter 28 of the Object-Oriented Software Construction, second edition.
This discussion also serves as a description of the
concurrency mechanism (SCOOP) for ISE Eiffel.
The text presents a new approach
to concurrent programming making it possible to program concurrent
systems (in particular Internet and client-server applications) with
great simplicity.
Basically, you use the elementary mechanism of O-O computation:
x.f (a): calling feature f on object x, also
known as "passing the message f to x". Here x may
be anywhere else on a network, in another thread, in another process etc.,
but the mechanism takes care of
finding it for you.
The mechanism is fully compatible with inheritance, information
hiding and other
object-oriented techniques, and with the Eiffel ideas of Design
by Contract. It handles synchronization, interruptions ("express
messages") and many different forms of concurrency.
Version of: 23 April 1996.
Gaining early access to the technology
The approach described here is currently being implemented by ISE in
collaboration with a number of corporate customers.
ISE has established a special program for companies interested in
gaining a strategic competitive advantage through
early access to the technology.
Corporations interested in this program may
contact ISE for details.
Chapter table of Contents
Concurrency, distribution, client-server and the Internet
OOSC-2 presentation
Table of contents