VD43 warning
When using a precompiled library I get the following message from
Warning code: VD43
Lace warning: precompiled file is missing or unreadable.
What to do: make sure that the file exists, that appropriate permissions
are set, and that the precompiled C code has been compiled.
File: C:\Program Files\ISE Inc\Eiffel4\precomp\spec\windows\base\EIFGEN\W_code\msc\driver.exe
(See also error VD42.)
The directory referenced in the
precompiled clause of
your Ace file exists but does not contain all the necessary files.
Please make sure, as the error message suggests, that the listed file exists
and that appropriate permissions are set.
If the files are not there, the source of the problem is one of
the following:
The libraries were downloaded from our Web pages and the download is
incomplete because of a downloading problem. In this case, the fix is
obviously to re-download the libraries (but see next).
In the first releases of ISE Eiffel 4.1, there was a bug in the
installation program, causing some files to be omitted if you
used "Custom" installation and selected "no C compiler".
Please use "Typical" or "Compact" installation, or select to
install "Microsoft files" with "Custom" installation even if you are not
using any C compiler.
If you precompiled the libraries yourself, the warning indicates
that precompilation did not finish successfully. Make sure
to find out what went wrong during the precompilation, and restart it
(or download the precompiled libraries) if necessary.
If you still have a problem, contact ISE customer support at