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Appendix D: class HTML_CONSTANTS


description: "Tags of subset of the HTML language. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities"
status: ""
date: "$Date: 2007-03-30 19:10:11 +0000 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) $"
revision: "$Revision: 95354 $"
class interface
feature -- Constants

Bold_end: STRING is "</B>"
-- Bold face end tag.

Bold_start: STRING is "<B>"
-- Bold face start tag.

Glossary_definition: STRING is "<DD>"
-- Glossary list definition.

Glossary_end: STRING is "</DL>"
-- Glossary list end tag.

Glossary_start: STRING is "<DL>"
-- Glossary list start tag.

Glossary_term: STRING is "<DT>"
-- Glossary list term.

H1_end: STRING is "</H1>"
-- Header level 1 end tag.

H1_start: STRING is "<H1>"
-- Header level 1 start tag.

H2_end: STRING is "</H2>"
-- Header level 2 end tag.

H2_start: STRING is "<H2>"
-- Header level 2 start tag.

H3_end: STRING is "</H3>"
-- Header level 3 end tag.

H3_start: STRING is "<H3>"
-- Header level 3 start tag.

H4_end: STRING is "</H4>"
-- Header level 4 end tag.

H4_start: STRING is "<H4>"
-- Header level 4 start tag.

H5_end: STRING is "</H5>"
-- Header level 5 end tag.

H5_start: STRING is "<H5>"
-- Header level 5 start tag.

H6_end: STRING is "</H6>"
-- Header level 6 end tag.

H6_start: STRING is "<H6>"
-- Header level 6 start tag.

Horizontal_rule: STRING is "<HR>"
-- Horizontal rule tag.

Italic_end: STRING is "</I>"
-- Italic end tag.

Italic_start: STRING is "<I>"
-- Italic start tag.

Line_break: STRING is "<BR>"
-- Line break tag.

List_item_end: STRING is "</LI>"
-- List item end tag.

List_item_start: STRING is "<LI>"
-- List item start tag.

Ordered_list_end: STRING is "</OL>"
-- Ordered list end tag.

Ordered_list_start: STRING is "<OL>"
-- Ordered list start tag.

Paragraph_end: STRING is "</P>"
-- Paragraph end tag.

Paragraph_start: STRING is "<P>"
-- Paragraph start tag.

Preformatted_end: STRING is "</PRE>"
-- Preformatted text end tag.

Preformatted_start: STRING is "<PRE>"
-- Preformatted text start tag.

Unordered_list_end: STRING is "</UL>"
-- Unordered list end tag.

Unordered_list_start: STRING is "<UL>"
-- Unordered list start tag.

end -- class HTML_CONSTANTS

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