The following is the specification of the DLE library classes.
"Instances of dynamically loadable classes";
keywords: "Dynamic Linking in Eiffel";
product: DLE
class interface DYNAMIC creation
feature specification -- Initialization
make (argument: ANY)
-- Creation procedure.
feature specification -- Dynamic features
apply (feat: DYNAMIC_FEATURE)
-- Apply feature represented by feat to current object,
-- using the arguments specified earlier for feat.
-- If feat represents a query. make the result accessible
-- through feat.e_result.
feature_description_exists: feat /= Void
end -- class DYNAMIC
"Descriptions of classes that may be dynamically loaded";
keywords: "Dynamic Linking in Eiffel";
product: DLE
class interface DYNAMIC_CLASS creation
feature specification -- Initialization
make (class_name, dc_dir: STRING)
-- Initialize to representation of the dynamic class of name
-- class_name in the DC-set whose directory is dc_dir.
-- Set retrieve_status to non-zero value if not such class
-- can be found.
class_name_exists: class_name /= Void;
class_name_not_empty: not class_name.empty;
DC_set_path_exists: dc_dir /= Void;
DC_set_path_not_empty: not dc_dir.empty
feature specification -- Instances
instance: DYNAMIC
-- An instance of the class represented by the current object,
-- initialized by procedure make of that class, using
-- argument as argument
class_exists: not retrieve_failed
instance_not_void: Result /= Void
argument: ANY
-- Argument to be passed to creation procedures
-- by subsequent calls to instance
set_argument (val: like argument)
-- Define val to be the argument to be passed to creation
-- procedures by subsequent calls to instance.
argument_set: argument = val
feature specification -- Status report
retrieve_failed: BOOLEAN
-- Did an error occur during last make creation call?
retrieve_status: INTEGER
-- Status code of the last make creation procedure
No_error: INTEGER
-- The class description has been correctly retrieved
Bad_DC_directory: INTEGER
-- dc_dir is not the name of a directory containing the
-- proper information about a DC-set
No_dynamic_class: INTEGER
-- No dynamic class exists for class_name in the DC-set
Unreadable_file: INTEGER
-- The corresponding files in dc_dir cannot be read
Bad_class: INTEGER
-- There is such a class and it can be read but it is not a
-- descendant of DYNAMIC
Duplicate_class_name: INTEGER
-- The retrieved class has the same name as a previously
-- retrieved dynamic class (This error is possible because
-- a system can use two or more DC-sets.)
Duplicate_dc_set: INTEGER
-- Another DC-set has already been retrieved
Not_supported: INTEGER
-- Unsupported mechanism
end -- class DYNAMIC_CLASS
"Descriptions of features that may be dynamically loaded";
keywords: "Dynamic Linking in Eiffel";
product: DLE
class interface
feature specification -- Access
argument_count: INTEGER
-- Number of arguments to be passed to the current feature
-- description by subsequent calls to apply
feature specification -- Setting
set_argument_count (n: INTEGER)
-- Set argument_count to n.
valid_n: n >= 0
assigned: argument_count = n
set_boolean_argument (val: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
set_character_argument (val: CHARACTER; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
set_integer_argument (val: INTEGER; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
set_real_argument (val: REAL; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
set_double_argument (val: DOUBLE; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
set_reference_argument (val: ANY; pos: INTEGER)
-- Make val be the pos-th argument to be passed to the
-- current feature description by subsequent calls to apply.
pos_large_enough: pos >= 1;
pos_small_enough: pos <= argument_count
valid_argument_count: argument_count >= 0
end -- class DYNAMIC_FEATURE