NICE-ESG-Libs Digest        Mon, 27 Nov 95       Volume 1 : Issue 308 

Today's Topics:

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Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 08:07:30 +0000 (GMT) From: Paul Johnson +44 1245 242244 <> Subject: Exceptions To: NICE-ESG-Libs I agree with Roger that exceptions should pass an object to the rescue clause, rather than just a string. At present the only way to get this kind of supplementary information is to create an object with a "once" function and use that to store the data. This works, but is a bit kludgy. However I disagree with the proposed inheritance hierarchy. A class of unique integers would be far better: after all the most common thing for the handler to do is a discrimination on the type of the exception. The reason for having an object is that applications can inherit from a simple EXCEPTION class and add supplementary information that an exception handler can pick up if it wishes. For example a comms package might generate an exception when a link goes down. The exception object can carry data about the nature of the failure, which can then be picked up by the clients if they want to know about it. Paul.