NICE-ESG-Libs Digest        Wed, 22 Nov 95       Volume 1 : Issue 306 

Today's Topics:

NICE Eiffel Standards Group -- Library Committee Mailing List To post to list: To send mail to the Chairman of the committee: Administrative matters (sign up, unsubscribe, mail problems, etc):
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 95 17:50:42 +0000 (GMT) From: (Frieder Monninger) Subject: Donations To: I disagree with setting priorities in the Library group as I see no sense in such priorities ... all these things must be done: The Vintage 95 stuff NOW - the other activities have no relation and should be done in parallel. To keep the ball running: Geoff Eldridge - a Nice Member - wants to be active as a librarian to catalog and to test the donations. He has a nice home page and I think he can do a good job by creating some "Nice Library" pages. This is a job connected with some work and I suggest that we should support him by (Tower, ISE, please listen) giving him a free compiler license as long he works as Librarian. Beside this the board (Christine, please listen) should give him free individual membership as a additional bonus (only if he performs well ;-). But this is only my personal opinion. He should participate in the description of the Librarian's job - I only repeat the "old" points: - check incoming clusters for conformance (to the Libraries rules and to ELKS) - take care of some usefull WEB index. - be a active judge in the (I hope so) forthcoming "class contest" - support PR committee in all library related things -- Frieder Monninger 35619 Braunfels-Altenkirchen ++ 49 6472 1449 Germany
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 95 17:37:36 +0000 (GMT) From: (Frieder Monninger) Subject: ELKS'95 To: I found the following mail (begin of June) in my output folder: --- cut here Bertrand, I downloaded the actual version - at least something with a new date. To my surprise this document had no - at least I found no - of the corrections I exspected. Can you tell me about the actual status ? So for example raise (in exceptions) has still only one parameter and pointer is still deferred - not to mention that end_of_file is still missing in STD_FILES. I understand that these changes are not so important as more powerfull things. Nevertheless we agreed about them and so they should included in ELKS 95. --- cut end ------------ The changes aggreed were: 1. to give raise 4 parameters (2 strings, one integer and one object) Reason: this gives more flexibility to produce good error messages - and if the parameters are not necessary one can use void ... It seems to be a good compromise between 0 and unlimited - at least in Eiffel/S it was usefull all the time. One parameter is definetively not enough - and 10 are to clumsy. The reason why 2 strings are usefull as the first can contain some text and the second the place where the error happened ... The integer is included in ISE's version - and the object is often necessary. 2. to put end_of_line into STD_FILES Reason: it should be possible to use STD_FILES without worrying about FILE - but then there is no way for detecting the end of input. 3. for some reason class POINTER is deferred. Nobody could explain this to me. ISE, Tower and SIG agreed about these changes - but they were never put into the document. Can this be done NOW ? -- Frieder Monninger 35619 Braunfels-Altenkirchen ++ 49 6472 1449 Germany