NICE-ESG-Libs Digest        Thu, 25 May 95       Volume 1 : Issue 226 

Today's Topics:
                     ARRAY and STRING suggestions
                           Paul's manifesto

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Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 14:05:57 +0100 (BST) From: S M Fisher <> Subject: ARRAY and STRING suggestions To: NICE Library Committee ARRAY ----- I do not think anyone will be able to remember the difference between features `entry' and `item' and between `put' and `enter'. I suggest that we should have instead: `item' and `frozen_item' `put' and `frozen_put' The last line of the comment for `resize' cannot be true unless the new interval includes the old one. I would like to see two new features clear -- clear the array (set all items to default values) ensure cleared : cleared cleared : BOOLEAN -- do all items have default values? STRING ------ is too big, so we should eliminate a few things if possible. Rename `wipe_out' to `clear' and `empty' to `cleared' `remake(n)' is equivalent to `clear; resize(n)' and is of limited use. I would abandon it. It is also odd because it is not a creation feature though it contains the string `make'. I do not see why we have `share' and `shared with' it a a complication we can well do without. Why is it there? item_code(i) could be replaced by item(i).code so I suggest this is also dropped For all the comparison features the collation sequence should be specified. All of the append_type features should be dropped in favour of append_string which should be renamed as append because: `append_boolean(b)' is equivalent to `append(b.out)' The comment on `append_string' (which I would prefer to be append) is ambiguous. Is it a precondition that s != void ? If not the postcondition is wrong. I would favour the precondition. `fill_blank' should be replaced by the more useful make_and_fill(n: INTEGER, c : CHARACTER) which would create a string with n copies of the character c. This could be used for generating a series of blanks, `-' or `=' signs for example. left_adjust and right_adjust refer to white space. Does this include tabs, CR and LF as normal? I suggest it should. The action of right_adjust is not what one would expect from the name. So I suggest calling it right_trim and so we should have left_trim to match. I would drop prepend because prepend(str) is equivalent to insert(str,1). Also `prepend' is not a word in English, it is only computer-speak. `replace_substring' should have the same arguments as `insert' and should be simply called `replace'. So insert("fred",1) inserts fred at the beginning and replace("bill",1) would then overwrite the first four characters with "bill" I do not think I would find `set' too useful. But I could easily be persuaded otherwise. Why the interest in mirrors? Though this often occurs in books on programming, I can think of no practical use for reversing a sequence of letters. Of the other conversion routines I would prefer to_lower and to_upper to return strings rather than changing the current string. This makes them more like the other to_ features. Question -------- Finally I have a question which affects the need for some of these functions. What is the effect of s := "abc"? Is it equivalent to s := clone("abc")? Currently they are equivalent for SiG but not for tower, which allows you to mess up the literal. I accept that having s := sc s.append("junk") ... sc : STRING is "changeable" will modify sc, but I feel that s := "unchangeable" s.append("junk") should always give: "unchangeablejunk" i.e. that := literal string should imply a clone. The same should be true of a manifest array. Does anybody know if the language committee have considered this please? Regards, Steve Fisher
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 10:20:27 +0100 (BST) From: S M Fisher <> Subject: Paul's manifesto To: NICE ESG Library Committee Hi, As I feel that the library committee work is progressing much too slowly, I have to vote for some change. This means that my vote will go to Paul on June 1st. I strongly support the change in voting rules which Paul has suggested, though it does not address the more fundamental problem that few points are openly discussed before the vote. Perhaps his weekly summary of the state of play might help. I do not like the idea that "any member who misses two consecutive votes without good reason will be removed from the committee." I would expect any member of a committee who shows such a lack of interest to simply resign without being pushed. In addition, assuming that Paul's new voting rules are accepted he or she would be harmless - which is not currently the case. I do not like the idea of "non-executive members" as the structure seems unnecessarily complex. I would prefer to see the membership fees for individual membership of NICE just cover costs so that capable individuals are not excluded. As I have never received any mailings from NICE nor any indication that more money has been spent as a result of my joining NICE, I guess that costs cannot be more than a dollar or two. I hope that under the next chairmanship we will have a clear plan and timescale for getting the first version of PELKS to an accepatable form, and that a means will be found to move a lot faster. Steve Fisher