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NICE-ESG-Libs Digest        Thu, 16 Feb 95       Volume 1 : Issue 186

Today's Topics:
                   LIB95-TWR-HASHABLE and HASHABLE2

NICE Eiffel Standards Group -- Library Committee Mailing List To post to list: To send mail to the Chairman of the committee: Administrative matters (sign up, unsubscribe, mail problems, etc):
Date: 16 Feb 1995 10:30:15-GMT From: paj Subject: LIB95-TWR-HASHABLE and HASHABLE2 To: TWR-LIB95-HASHABLE removes the "is_hashable" feature and precondition from HASHABLE. This precondition was orignally introduced because hash tables usually use a default value in the key array to flag an empty cell. This works for reference types because the default value is Void, and Void is not hashable. Now we can hash on integers and reals, default values no longer have this property. I support the motion. If a hash table cannot handle default values as keys, let it say so in its preconditions e.g has (k: KEY): BOOLEAN -- Is `k' in this table? require not_void: k /= Void; not_default: k /= k.default; A hash table that can handle default value keys (e.g by using a parallel array of BOOLEAN to flag empty cells) does not then need special case code to evaluate the hashes for default key value. TWR-LIB95-HASHABLE2 seeks to move "hash_code" into ANY. I have two worries about this: 1: I dislike adding yet more features to ANY. 2: Suppose I have an object containing simply a reference. How should the system go about computing a hash code? The obvious starting point is the current value of the reference, but in a system with a copying GC that value is apt to change. And of course it *will* change when objects are stored and retrieved. I realise that of course it is not for us to define the default hash algorithm, but we must be very careful to avoid features that constrain implementors without good reason. Paul. -- Paul Johnson | GEC-Marconi Ltd is not responsible for my opinions. | +44 245 473331 ext 3245 +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ Work: | You are lost in a twisty maze of little Home: | standards, all different.
Date: 16 Feb 1995 10:09:04-GMT From: paj Subject: LIB95-TWR-PART_COMPARABLE To: Misprint -------- The definition of PART_COMPARABLE lists itself as an ancestor. I assume that this is a misprint. COMPARABLE <= ------------- I am not entirely clear as to the semantics of this operator. The postconditions seem to imply that it returns true iff Current < other or Current = other This introduces reference equality (or shallow equality for expanded types) into COMPARABLE, which I thought we were trying to avoid (c.f the golfing example). Therefore I think that either this routine should be left undefined in COMPARABLE, or it should be defined in both PART_COMPARABLE and COMPARABLE in terms of an order equality test (see below). Ordering Equality Test ---------------------- The author of LIB-95-TWR-COMPARABLE writes that "is_equal" is not required in the assertions of PART_COMPARABLE or COMPARABLE, since "ordering" equality can be expressed as "(a <= b) and not (a < b)". I agree, but I notice that there is no order-equality method in the proposed specification. This seems to be a curious gap. I think we need one, such as in PART_COMPARABLE order_equal (other: like Current) : BOOLEAN -- Are `Current' and `other' at the same place in the ordered -- sequence of all objects of this type? require other_not_void: other /= Void; ensure commutive: Result = other.order_equal (Current); not_different: Result implies not (Current < other) and not (other < Current); consistent: Result = (Current <= other and other <= Current); The second two postconditions together express the "(a <= b) and not (a < b)" condition in both directions. The last term in postconditions could be adapted into the default implementation, or (perhaps better) we will leave both "<" and "order_equal" deferred and define "<=" in those terms in both PART_COMPARABLE and COMPARABLE. I don't see how we can get away without two deferred routines unless we initially implement "order_equal" in terms of "is_equal" and let the descendants redefine it if appropriate. I would be against this: descendants of COMPARABLE should need to explicitly state their semantics. Opinions anyone? This routine would be inherited unchanged by COMPARABLE. Other descendants would of course be at liberty to define a more efficient implementation. Also COMPARABLE would need to have modified postconditions for three_way_comparable to tie it into order_equal. The name might be changed. I picked "order_equal" as simply descriptive, but perhaps we should have an infix operator instead (I would suggest "&="). This has the advantage of fitting in with the other comparison operators, but the disadvantage that the binary arithmetic operators have higher precedance than the comparison operators but lower than the free operators. Hence we would see a * b < c + d parsed as (a * b) < (c + d) but a * b &= c + d parsed as a * (b &= c) + d which is not the Right Thing. I don't know what the best solution might be. Does anyone have any other comments? If I get two messages supporting this addition in principle then I will submit a revised version to the chair as a formal motion. -- Paul Johnson | GEC-Marconi Ltd is not responsible for my opinions. | +44 245 473331 ext 3245 +-----------+-----------------------------------------+ Work: | You are lost in a twisty maze of little Home: | standards, all different.