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![]() Eiffel: The Reference (Working draft)This document is a very temporary draft of the current state of "Eiffel: The Reference". It is intended solely for the use of the language committee members of NICE. The document is generated automatically from the FrameMaker version. The formatting deficiencies are ubiquitous and obvious but the text is there. If there is interest I (BM) will try to continue maintaining this document and, if possible, improve it. Also of interest: the discussions of the NICE language committee.
Table of Contents
D.5 Basic conventions D.6 ACE STRUCTURE D.7 BASICS OF CLUSTER CLAUSES D.8 STORING PROPERTIES WITH A CLUSTER D.9 EXCLUDING AND INCLUDING SOURCE FILES D.10 ADAPTING CLASS NAMES D.11 SPECIFYING OPTIONS D.12 SPECIFYING EXTERNAL ELEMENTS D.13 GENERATION D.14 VISIBLE FEATURES Eiffel: The Reference Book identification Eiffel: The Reference, ISE Technical Report TR-EI-41/ER. Publication history First published as Eiffel: The Language (TR-EI-2/BR) in 1988. Successive versions appeared in subsequent years and were replaced by TR-EI-17/RM, Eiffel: The Language in 1991, second revised printing 1992, also available as a book published by Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-245-925-7. First edition of Eiffel: The Reference under the present report number appeared in 1992. The present revision is 3.3.4, corresponding to version 3.3.4 of the ISE Eiffel environment. It is submitted to the Language Committee of the Nonprofit International Consortium for Eiffel as revision 2 of the proposed Eiffel language standard. The majority of the material in the present book is excerpted from Eiffel: The Language. Author Bertrand Meyer. Software credits See "Credits" at the end of the Preface and in Eiffel: The Language. Cover design Rich Ayling. Copyright notice and proprietary information Copyright \xa9 Bertrand Meyer, 1992, 1995. The material from Eiffel: The Language is reproduced here under permission from copyright holder and the publisher for the exclusive benefit of users of ISE Eiffel 3. In addition, the copyright holder grants permission to members in good standing of the Nonprofit International Consortium for Eiffel to make any use of this document that does not infringe on the rights of other parties, in particular the publisher.
Must it be assumed that because we are engineers beauty is not our concern, and that while we make our constructions robust and durable we do not also strive to make them elegant? Is it not true that the genuine conditions of strength always comply with the secret conditions of harmony? The first principle of architectural esthetics is that the essential lines of a monument must be determined by a perfect adaptation to its purpose.
Gustave Eiffel, 1887 From his response in the newspaper Le Temps to a petition by members of the literary and artistic Establishment protesting his project of elevating a tower of iron in Paris. Preface This document serves two purposes:
For the first of these goals, note that the present Preface is not part of the intended Standard. WHAT IS EIFFEL?The name Eiffel covers a method and a language for the systematic development of quality software, based on the full application of object-oriented principles. Only the language aspect is covered in this book. Other documents are available on the method and on the various compilers, tools and environments that make it possible to develop software with Eiffel. A complete description of the Eiffel language has been previously published: the book Eiffel: The Language (Prentice Hall, second printing with corrections, 1992, ISBN 0-13-24795-7). The intent of that document is to provide under a single cover a precise reference, a tutorial, a Guide for the Perplexed, and a detailed user's manual for the language. As a result, much of the space in it is occupied by examples, explanations, justifications, discussions, previews, reminders and comments. ``Eiffel: The Language'' does not shun repetition; occasionally, for example, some part of the discussion needs to refer to the syntax of a construct seen in a distant chapter, and simply reproduces the syntax specification for the convenience of the reader. In some cases, however, a shorter reference may be necessary. A typical example is that of someone implementing an Eiffel compiler, who may be presumed to be familiar with the rationale behind the various components of the language, but will need a document were he can quickly find precise answers to specific questions, often on fine points (``Can the target of an anchored declaration be anchored too?''). Another example is that of a user who is familiar with the language but wants to keep a concise reference on his desk. Providing such a no-frills description of Eiffel is the purpose of Eiffel: The Reference. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This book is not meant as a first introduction to Eiffel. If you do not know the language, or know it only superficially, you should read Eiffel: The Language. The present book will mostly be useful as a summary of Eiffel: The Language for readers who are familiar with that earlier book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SHORT FORMThe worst that could happen to the description of Eiffel is to follow the fate of so many earlier languages: the emergence of several descriptions, each slightly incompatible with the others. Eiffel: The Language went to considerable length to prevent this from happening. By threading several levels of discourse into a single cloth, the book was able to forestall eventual divergence. In particular, the book relied on an extensive system of ``road signs'' to identify each of the interwoven threads: syntax, validity, semantics, comment, caveat, preview, reminder. As this system is directly reflected in the source electronic form of the original document, it is possible to use software tools, aided by a little human intervention, to extract one or several of the threads. This approach is what made the present book possible. It is not, strictly speaking, a new book, but an extract of the relevant parts of Eiffel: The Language. Another way of expressing this observation is to claim that producing this book was, to a certain extent, a software project: writing the tools that would extract the essential parts of the complete document and ignore the rest. This effort required some ``massaging'', as programmers say, of the original text, to mark some parts as retained and others as discarded. But the extent of that massaging was remarkably limited: the text was organized in such a systematic way that most of the extraction could be done automatically, based on a number of selection rules not unlike those of a little expert systems. Anyone familiar with the Eiffel method will have recognized the idea: it is the notion of short form. To document an Eiffel class, you do not as a rule write a separate document; you should instead include the relevant information in the class text itself, and rely on computer tools to extract views of the class at various levels of abstraction, in particular the short (or flat-short) form which only keeps the interface properties of the class -- signatures, preconditions, postconditions and header comments of exported features, class invariant -- while discarding the implementation information (non-exported features, routine bodies, distinction between functions and attributes). Here we are doing the same with respect to the language itself: using the power of the computer to remove the non-essential information from a complete description. The major advantage, in the case of classes, is that we can keep a single description. So when things evolve -- as they inevitably will, be they classes or languages -- we have only one document to maintain. This may be called the principle of single reference and is essential to the smooth evolution of the language and its description. Although the work of the NICE library committee may cause changes to be brought to the present document independently of Eiffel: The Language, every effort will be made to maintain the principle of single reference, avoiding the disaster that divergence between the two documents would mean for Eiffel. In particular, the structure and section numbering will be kept the same for the two books, and changes made to the present one as a result of the committee's work will be continuously reflected back into the electronic version of Eiffel: The Language. LIBRARY ELEMENTSThe definition of Eiffel relies on a number of predefined classes in the "Kernel Library", covering such fundamental notions as basic types (BOOLEAN, INTEGER and the like), arrays, input and output. A preliminary standard document for the Kernel Library, known as the PELKS (Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard) is currently under study by NICE. To avoid any ambiguity or contradiction, all discussions of Kernel Library classes in this book have been replaced by references to the PELKS. CHANGESThis book correspnds to the second printing of Eiffel: The Language. It incorporates a few corrections corresponding to mistakes that have been detected since the publication of the book. The principal among these changes are listed in chapter 14 of ISE Eiffel: The Environment (Technical Report TR-39/IE). A complete list of the changes will be made available separately. Time prevented inclusion of change bars for the first release of this document, but they will be part of future editions; all changes have been carefully logged. In case of discrepancy between Eiffel: The Language and Eiffel: The Reference, follow the document that has the latest printing date, unless the problem appears to be due to a text processing mistake. Remember that at the basis of Eiffel there is only one document; the only differences result from how one selects and prints portions of that document. This is the required condition for the stability, maturity and credibility of the Eiffel language; in other words, for its success. The present book uses the same conventions as Eiffel: The Language. To avoid any confusion, the original chapter and section numbers have been retained. So if you have leafed through this book before reading the present preface, you may have wondered why the first chapter is number 2 and its first section 2.2; but the purpose is clear: making it easy to find the corresponding place in Eiffel: The Language if when examining some part of the edifice you want to retrieve the scaffolding --- in other words some of the supporting comments and examples. Using a different section numbering scheme for the present book would have caused endless misunderstandings. Unlike the sections, the pages have been renumbered, since consecutive numbering facilitates searching for specific information. In contrast with Eiffel: The Language, this book avoids repetition of any kind. This is why you will find no syntax summary or syntax diagram. Such elements (which are present in the complete description) will be easy to add if readers feel they are necessary. There is currently no index, but this omission will be repaired in a future version. Finally, please remember that the present edition is only the second release of Eiffel: The Reference. In particular, some errors may remain in the software that served to extract the information and produce the index. Indulgence is thus requested from the reader. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIn addition to the acknowledgments included at the end of the preface to Eiffel: The Language, it is appropriate to thank the various readers who have contributed comments since the book's publication, most remarkably David Hollenberg from the Information Systems Institute of the University of Southern California and Helmut Weber from Austria, formerly from IBM. 2 Syntax, validity and semantics2.2 SYNTAX, COMPONENTS, SPECIMENS AND CONSTRUCTSEiffel's syntax is the set of rules describing the structure of class texts. It covers neither limitations on valid texts (described by validity constraints) nor the execution-time meaning or effect of these texts (described by semantic rules). Definition: component Any class text, or syntactically meaningful part of that text, such as an instruction, an expression or an identifier, is called a component. Definition: construct, specimen The structure of any components is described by a construct. A component conforming to a certain construct is called a specimen of that construct. For example, the construct Class describes the structure of class texts; any particular class text, built according to the rules given in this book, is a specimen of this construct. All constructs have names beginning with a capital letter and written in the default (roman) font. Each appears in the index with a reference to the page of its syntactical definition. An important convention will simplify the discussions: the phrase ``an X'', where X is the name of a construct, serves as a shorthand for ``a specimen of construct X''. For example, ``a Class'' means ``a specimen of construct Class'', in other words a text built according to the syntactical specification of construct Class. 2.3 TERMINALS, NON-TERMINALS AND TOKENSEvery construct is either a ``terminal'' or a ``non-terminal'' as defined next. Definitions: Terminal, Non-terminal, Token Specimens of a terminal construct have no further syntactical structure. Examples include reserved words (such as class, Result etc.), constants such as integers, and identifiers used to denote classes, features and entities. In contrast, the specimens of a non-terminal construct are defined in terms of other constructs. Definition: token, lexical component The specimens of terminal constructs are called tokens or lexical components. They form the basic vocabulary out of which you may build more complex texts --- specimens of non-terminals. 2.4 PRODUCTIONSDefinition: productionTo understand a non-terminal, you need a formal description of the structure of its specimens. Such a description is called the production for the construct. A production has the form Every non-terminal construct appears on the left-hand side of exactly one such production. The symbol The right-hand-side of the production describes the structure of specimens of the left-hand-side construct. Three forms of right-hand-side are available:
An aggregate right-hand-side is a non-empty sequence of constructs, some of which may be in square brackets [ ] to indicate optional parts. A choice right-hand side is a non-empty sequence of constructs separated by vertical bars | . A repetition right-hand side is of one of the two forms
{Construct § ...} {Construct § ...} +
2.6 VALIDITY The productions and other elements labeled
Every validity constraint has a four-character code beginning with V (shown as VVVV in the above fictitious example). 2.7 INTERPRETING THE CONSTRAINTSGeneral Validity rule Every validity constraint relative to a construct is considered to include an implicit supplementary condition stating that every component of the construct satisfies every validity constraint applicable to the component. 2.8 SEMANTICS A construct specimen which is syntactically legal and valid has an associated semantics, specifying its run-time effect in a system in which the specimen appears. That semantics may include executing certain actions, producing a value, or both. It is defined by the It is important to remember that the SEMANTICS paragraphs only apply to valid specimens. In many cases, the semantic rules would not even make sense otherwise. Clearly, attempting to describe the effect of an invalid component would be useless. 2.9 CORRECTNESSValidity is only a structural property; valid Eiffel software is not guaranteed to perform according to any expected behavior. In fact, execution of valid software may lead to non-termination, or to exceptions and eventual failure. For a valid component, then, we need a more advanced criterion: its ability to operate properly at run-time. This is called correctness and is a more elusive aim than validity, since it involves semantic properties. 2.10 THE CONTEXT OF EXECUTING SYSTEMSDefinitions: run time, machine, platform, language processing toolThe following terminology will serve to discuss the context of system execution:
2.11 REQUIREMENTS ON LANGUAGE PROCESSING TOOLSThe definition of Eiffel syntax, validity and semantics contained in this book is also a specification of certain aspects of the corresponding language processing tools. Not all aspects apply to all language processing tools. A language processing tool that processes software components at a certain level (syntax, validity, semantics) is not required to perform the tasks associated with that level on components which do not not satisfy the requirements at the previous levels. In almost all cases, authors of tools should follow a stricter guideline and make sure that their tools reject any input that does not satisfy the rules applying to the earlier levels. Such rejection should include a clear error message. For syntax, the message should identify the production which is not properly observed; for validity it should give the code of the violated validity constraint (and the clause number for constraints divided into clauses). Two special considerations may justify occasional departures from this general obligation of rejection:
A semantic tool may be able to process valid parts of a text, even if other parts are invalid. For example, a compiler may generate code for some valid classes in a system, rejecting classes which are not valid.
One final note, intended for implementors of Eiffel, and regarding what they might not find here. Although this book goes to great lengths to include every relevant validity and semantic property, it may of course have left an occasional one out. Such an oversight might be a case of incompleteness (a missing validity constraint or semantic specification) or inconsistency (ambiguous or contradictory answers). If you run into such a case while trying to produce language processing tools, please contact the language committee of NICE by sending electronic mail to <language-chair @nice.twr.com>, 3 The architecture of Eiffel software3.1 OVERVIEWThe constituents of Eiffel software are called classes. By extracting classes from a given universe, you may assemble them into executable systems. To keep your classes and your development organized, it is convenient to group classes into clusters. These four concepts provide the basis for structuring Eiffel software:
Of these, only ``class'', describing the basic building blocks, corresponds directly to a construct of the language. To build systems out of classes, you will use not a language mechanism, but tools of the supporting environment. As to clusters and universes, they are not language constructs but mechanisms for grouping and storing classes using the facilities provided by the underlying operating system, such as files and directories. 3.3 CLASS TEXTS AND CLASS NAMESEvery class has a name, such as DOCUMENT or PARAGRAPH, and a class text which describes the features of the class and its other properties. For class names, as for all uses of identifiers, letter case is not significant: identifiers such as DOCUMENT, document and even dOcUmEnT have the same semantics when viewed as class names. Definition: Upper Name The standard recommended style in Eiffel texts is to write all class names using exclusively the upper name of the class, that is to say the name all in upper case (such as DOCUMENT). Definition: Class Name The term ``class name'' as used in this book denotes the upper name of a class. In particular, two classes are said to have the same class name if they have the same case-independent names, even if the names are written with different case conventions in the class texts. 3.4 SYSTEMSDefinition: System, Root A system is a set of classes, one of which has been designated as the root of the system, such that all the classes on which the root depends belong to the system. Definition: Dependency Here a class C is said to depend on a class A if one of the following holds:
A class C may be used as root of a system if and only if it satisfies the following three conditions:
3.5 CLUSTERSDefinition: Cluster A cluster is a set of classes, all with different names.No two classes in a given cluster may have the same class name. 3.6 UNIVERSESDefinition: Universe A universe is a set of clusters.4 Classes4.2 OBJECTSDefinitions: object, instance Viewed as a type, a class describes the properties of a set of possible data structures, or objects, which may exist during the execution of a system that includes the class; these objects are called the instances of the class.4.3 FEATURESDefinitions: feature, attribute, routine Viewed as a module, a class introduces, through its class text, a set of features. Some features, called attributes, represent fields of the class's direct instances; others, called routines, represent computations applicable to those instances. .lY Since there is no other modular facility than the class, building a software system in Eiffel means analyzing the types of objects the system will manipulate, and writing a class for each of these types.4.5 CLASS TEXT STRUCTURE----------------------------------------------------- Class_declaration (fig) [Indexing] Class_header [Formal_generics] [Obsolete] [Inheritance] [Creators] [Features] [Invariant] end ["--" class Class_name] ----------------------------------------------------- 4.7 INDEXING A CLASS--------------------------------------------------- Indexing (fig) indexing Index_list Index_list (fig) {Index_clause ";" ...} Index_clause (fig) [Index] Index_terms Index (fig) Identifier ":" Index_terms (fig) {Index_value "," ...} + Index_value (fig) Identifier | Manifest_constant --------------------------------------------------- The Indexing clause has no effect on the execution semantics. 4.8 CLASS HEADER--------------------------------------------------- Class_header (fig) [Header_mark] class Class_name Header_mark (fig) deferred | expanded Class_name (fig) Identifier --------------------------------------------------- A Class_header appearing in the text of a class C is valid if and only if it satisfies either of the following two conditions:
4.9 FORMAL GENERIC PARAMETERS------------------------------------------------------------ Formal_generics (fig) "[" Formal_generic_list "]" Formal_generic_list (fig) {Formal_generic ","...} Formal_generic (fig) Formal_generic_name [Constraint] Formal_generic_name (fig) Identifier Constraint (fig) "-->" Class_type ------------------------------------------------------------ A Formal_generics part of a Class_declaration is valid if and only if every Formal_generic_name G appearing in it satisfies the following three conditions:
4.10 OBSOLETE CLAUSE--------------------------------- Obsolete (fig) obsolete Message Message (fig) Manifest_string --------------------------------- Declaring a class as Obsolete does not affect its semantics. But some language processing tools should produce a warning when they process a class that relies, as client or descendant, on an obsolete class. The warning should include the Message. 4.11 ENDING COMMENTIf present, the ending comment must repeat the Class_name given at the head of the class. 5 Features5.3 IMMEDIATE AND INHERITED FEATURESDefinitions: features of a class, inherited, origin, introduced The features of a class C include its inherited features and its immediate features, defined as follows: The features obtained by C from its parents, if any, are its inherited features.In the Features part of C, consider a declaration describing a feature f. If f is inherited, the declaration is in fact a redeclaration of f, giving f new properties in C. If this is not the case, f is a new feature, said to be immediate in C. C is then the class of origin (or simply ``origin'') of f, which is also said to be introduced in C. 5.6 FEATURES PART: SYNTAX----------------------------------------------------------------------- Features (fig) feature {Feature_clause feature ...} + Feature_clause (fig) [Clients] [Header_comment] Feature_declaration_list Feature_declaration_list (fig) {Feature_declaration ";" ...} Header_comment (fig) Comment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 FORMS OF FEATURESEvery feature of a class is either an attribute or a routine. Definition: field By introducing an attribute in a class, you specify that at run-time every instance of the class will possess a certain value, or field, corresponding to the attribute. An attribute is either variable or constant:
By introducing a routine in a class, you specify that a certain computation (an algorithm) must be applicable to instances of the class. A routine is either a procedure or a function:
5.9 FEATURE DECLARATIONS: SYNTAX---------------------------------------------------------------- Feature_declaration (fig) New_feature_list Declaration_body Declaration_body (fig) [Formal_arguments] [Type_mark] [Constant_or_routine] Constant_or_routine (fig) is Feature_value Feature_value (fig) Manifest_constant | Unique | Routine ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5.10 COMPONENTS OF A FEATURE DECLARATION------------------------------------------------ New_feature_list (fig) {New_feature "," ...} + New_feature (fig) [frozen] Feature_name ------------------------------------------------ 5.11 HOW TO RECOGNIZE FEATURESA Feature_declaration is a variable attribute declaration if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
A Feature_declaration is a constant attribute declaration if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
A Feature_declaration is a routine declaration if and only if it satisfies the following condition:
In this case the Formal_arguments and Type_mark parts may or may not be present. If the Type_mark is present, the declaration describes a function; otherwise it describes a procedure. 5.12 THE SIGNATURE OF A FEATUREDefinition: signature The signature of a feature f is a pair <argument_types, result_type> where both argument_types and result_type are sequences of types, defined as follows.
5.13 FEATURE NAMES------------------------------------------------------ Feature_name (fig) Identifier | Prefix | Infix Prefix (fig) prefix '"' Prefix_operator '"' Infix (fig) infix '"' Infix_operator '"' Prefix_operator (fig) Unary | Free_operator Infix_operator (fig) Binary | Free_operator ------------------------------------------------------Definition: identifier feature, operator feature A feature declared with an identifier is called an identifier feature. A feature declared with an operator is called an operator feature. -------------------------------------------- Unary (fig) not | "+" | "\-" Binary (fig) "+" | "--" | "*" | "^" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "//" | "\\" | "^" | and | or | xor | and then | or else | implies --------------------------------------------Definition: same feature name By convention, two feature names are the same if and only if either of the following conditions holds:
5.14 VALIDITY OF FEATURE DECLARATIONSFeature Declaration rule A Feature_declaration appearing in a class C, and whose New_feature_list contains one or more feature names f1, ..., fn, is valid if and only if it satisfies all of the following conditions:
5.16 SYNONYMSMultiple Declaration rule The semantics of a feature declaration applying to more than one feature name, as in f1, f2, ... , fn some_declaration_body is (except in one special case) defined as the semantics of the corresponding sequence of declarations naming only one feature each, and with identical declaration bodies, as in: f1 some_declaration_body; f2 some_declaration_body; ... fn some_declaration_body The special case is that of a multiple declaration introducing Unique constant attributes, which is covered by the Unique Declaration rule. 5.17 OBSOLETE FEATURESDeclaring a routine as Obsolete does not affect its semantics. But language processing tools, or at least some of them, should produce a warning when they process a client or descendant class that uses the routine. The warning should include the Message. 6 The inheritance relation6.2 AN INHERITANCE PARTDefinition: multiple, single inheritance Multiple inheritance occurs as soon as there is more than one Parent clause (even if they all refer to the same parent class, a case called repeated inheritance and studied in chapter 11).6.3 FORM OF THE INHERITANCE PART---------------------------------------------------------- Inheritance (fig) inherit Parent_list .xk inherit Parent_list (fig) {Parent ";" ...} Parent (fig) Class_type [Feature_adaptation] Feature_adaptation (fig) [Rename] [New_exports] [Undefine] [Redefine] [Select] end ----------------------------------------------------------Definition: parent clause for a class The Parent_list names a number of Parent clauses. Each Parent clause is relative to a Class_type, that is to say a class name B possibly followed by actual generic parameters (as in B [T, U]). B must be the name of a class in the universe to which the current class belongs. The clause is said to be a ``Parent clause for B''. 6.4 RELATIONS INDUCED BY INHERITANCEDefinition: heir, parent If class C has a Parent clause for B, then C is said to inherit from B; B is said to be a parent of C, and C is said to be an heir of B. Definition: ancestor, descendant Class A is an ancestor of class B if and only if A is B itself or, recursively, an ancestor of one of B's parents. Class B is a descendant of class A if and only if A is an ancestor of B, in other words if B is A or (recursively) a descendant of one of its heirs. Definition: proper ancestor, descendant The proper ancestors of a class C are its ancestors other than C itself. The proper descendants of a class B are its descendants other than B itself.6.6 THE INHERITANCE STRUCTUREParent rule The Inheritance clause of a class D is valid if and only if it meets the following two conditions:
6.9 RENAMING------------------------------------------------ Rename (fig) rename Rename_list Rename_list (fig) {Rename_pair "," ...} Rename_pair (fig) Feature_name as Feature_name ------------------------------------------------ Rename Clause rule A Rename_pair of the form old_name as new_name, appearing in the Rename subclause of the Parent clause for B in a class C, is valid if and only if it satisfies the following five conditions:
Renaming does not affect the semantics of an inherited feature, but simply gives it a new final name in an heir, as defined below. 6.10 FEATURES AND THEIR NAMESDefinition: name of a feature in a class Within the text of a class C, any feature f of C is accessible through a feature name, known as the name of f in C. As this expression suggests, the association between a feature and a feature name is not absolute but relative to a class. The same feature may well be denoted by different names in different classes. Definition: original name The original name of a feature is the name under which it is declared in its class of origin. Definition: final name Every feature f of a class C has a final name in C, defined as follows:
6.11 INHERITANCE AND EXPANSIONThe only consequence of the expansion status of a class is the semantics of entities of the corresponding types, such as x above. An expanded class may inherit from an non-expanded one, and conversely. The expansion status is not transmitted under inheritance; it is entirely determined by the presence or absence of the expanded mark in the class's own Class_header, not by any property of its parents. 6.12 ANYAny class other than GENERAL and ANY which does not include an explicitly written Inheritance clause is considered to have an implicit clause of the form 6.15 PROVIDING YOUR OWN UNIVERSAL CLASSWhether you use the default ANY or another one, any system will need to have a class of name ANY. This is a constraint on any valid universe. 7 Clients and exports7.3 CONVENTIONSDefinition: client A class C is a client of S if some ancestor of C is a simple client, an expanded client or a generic client of S. Definition: client relation between classes A class C is a client of a class B if C is a client of a type whose base class is B. A class C is a direct or indirect client of a type S of base type B if there is a sequence of classes C1 = A, C2, ..., Cn = B such that n > 1 and every Ci is a client of Ci+1 for 1 <= i <= n. The ``direct or indirect'' forms of the simple client, expanded client and generic client relations are defined similarly.7.4 SIMPLE CLIENTSDefinition: simple client A class C is a simple client of a type S if some entity or expression of C is of type S.7.5 EXPANDED CLIENTSDefinition: expanded client A class C is an expanded client of a type S if S is an expanded type and some attribute of C is of type S.Expanded Client rule It is valid for a class C to be an expanded client of a class SC if and only if SC is not a direct or indirect expanded client of C. 7.6 GENERIC CLIENTSDefinition: generic client, generic supplier A class C is a generic client of a type S if for some generically derived type T of the form B [..., S, ...] one of the following holds: C is a client of T.One of the Parent clauses of C, or of a proper ancestor of C, lists T as parent. 7.12 THE EXPORT STATUS OF FEATURESDefinition: exported, selectively available The status of a feature of a class is one of the following: The feature may be available to all classes. Such a feature is said to be exported, of generally available.The feature may be available to specific classes only. In that case it is also available to the descendants of all these classes. Such a feature is said to be selectively available to the given classes and their descendants. The feature may be available to no classes. Then it is said to be secret. Definition: available A feature of a class S is said to be available to a class C if and only if it is either selectively available to S or generally available. 7.13 ADAPTING THE EXPORT STATUS--------------------------------------- Clients (fig) "{" Class_list "}" Class_list (fig) {Class_name "," ...} ---------------------------------------
A Clients part is valid if and only if every Class_name appearing in its Class_list is the name of a class in the surrounding universe.
------------------------------------------------- New_exports (fig) export New_export_list New_export_list (fig) {New_export_item ";" ...} New_export_item (fig) Clients Feature_set Feature_set (fig) Feature_list | all Feature_list (fig) {Feature_name "," ...} -------------------------------------------------
Export List rule A New_exports parent appearing in class C in a Parent clause for a parent B, of the form export {class_list1} feature_list1; ... {class_listn} feature_listn is valid if and only if (for i in the interval 1..n):
At most one of the feature_listi is the keyword all.
An immediate feature of a class has the following export status:
If a non-redeclared inherited feature f has more than one precursor, it is available to all classes to which it would be available as a consequence of applying the preceding rule separately to each of its precursors. 7.14 DESCRIBING A CLASS FOR CLIENTS: THE SHORT FORMDefinition: short form, abstract form The short form of a class, also called its abstract form, is a text which has the same structure as the class but does not include non-public elements. The short form is the one that should be used as interface documentation for the class.7.15 THE FLAT-SHORT FORMDefinition: flat-short form The flat-short form of a class is similar to the short form, but applies to the ``reconstructed'' full text of a class; you may view it as resulting from a shortening step that has been preceded by a ``flattening'' step, which expands the class text to unfold all the features obtained from proper ancestors, putting them at the same level as the immediate features of the class. Clearly, flattening must take both renaming and redefinition into account.8 Routines8.3 FORMAL ARGUMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------- Formal_arguments (fig) "(" Entity_declaration_list ")" Entity_declaration_list (fig) {Entity_declaration_group ";" ...} Entity_declaration_group (fig) Identifier_list Type_mark Identifier_list (fig) {Identifier "," ...}+ Type_mark (fig) ":" Type ------------------------------------------------------------------- Formal Argument rule Let fa be the Formal_arguments part of a routine r in a class C. Let formals be the concatenation of every Identifier_list of every Entity_declaration_group in fa. Then fa is valid if and only if no Identifier e appearing in formals is the final name of a feature of C. Let el be an Entity_declaration_list. Let identifiers be the concatenation of every Identifier_list of every Entity_declaration_group in fa. Then el is valid if and only if no Identifier appears more than once in the list identifiers. 8.5 ROUTINE STRUCTURE--------------------------------------- Routine (fig) [Obsolete] [Header_comment] [Precondition] [Local_declarations] Routine_body [Postcondition] [Rescue] end ["--" Feature_name] ---------------------------------------
Routine rule A Routine part of a routine declaration is valid if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
Its Routine_body is an Internal body (beginning with do or once).
8.6 ROUTINE BODY------------------------------------------ Routine_body (fig) Effective | Deferred Effective (fig) Internal | External Internal (fig) Routine_mark Compound Routine_mark (fig) do | once Deferred (fig) deferred ------------------------------------------ The introductory keywords do or once of an Internal body correspond to different semantics for calls to the routine:
8.7 LOCAL ENTITIES AND Result-------------------------------------------------------- Local_declarations (fig) local Entity_declaration_list -------------------------------------------------------- Local Entity rule Let ld be the Local_declarations part of a routine r in a class C. Let locals be the concatenation of every Identifier_list of every Entity_declaration_group in ld. Then ld is valid if and only if every Identifier e in ld satisfies the following two conditions:
8.9 TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONS-------------------------------------------------------- Instruction (fig) Creation | Call | Assignment | Assignment_attempt | Conditional | Multi_branch | Loop | Debug | Check | Retry -------------------------------------------------------- 9 Correctness9.5 FORM OF ASSERTIONS--------------------------------------------------------- Precondition (fig) require [else] Assertion Postcondition (fig) ensure [then] Assertion Invariant (fig) invariant Assertion Assertion (fig) {Assertion_clause ";" ...} Assertion_clause (fig) [Tag_mark] Unlabeled_assertion_clause Unlabeled_assertion_ (fig) Boolean_expression | Comment clause Tag_mark (fig) Tag ":" Tag (fig) Identifier --------------------------------------------------------- In an Assertion, the semicolon separating each Assertion from the next has the same semantics as the and then infix boolean operator. This means that the order of the clauses may be meaningful:
9.7 THE SPECIFICATION OF A ROUTINEDefinition: specification, subspecification Let pre and post be the precondition and postcondition of a routine rout. The specification of rout is the pair of assertions <pre, post>. A specification <pre', post'> is said to be a subspecification of <pre, post> if and only if pre implies pre' and post' implies post. Here ``implies'' is boolean implication.9.8 CONSTRAINTS ON ROUTINE ASSERTIONSA Precondition of a routine r of a class C is valid if and only if every feature whose final name appears in any Assertion_clause is available to every class to which r is available.
9.9 OLD EXPRESSION-------------------------- Old (fig) old Expression --------------------------
An Old expression of the form old e, where e is an expression of type TE, is valid if and only if it satisfies the following two conditions:
The value of an Old expression old e is defined only at the end of the execution of a call to r, just before the call returns; it is the result that would have been produced by evaluating e just before the call's execution began. 9.11 CLASS INVARIANTSDefinition: invariant of a class The invariant of a class C is an assertion obtained by concatenating the following assertions (omitting any one which is absent or empty): The invariants of all parents (determined recursively through the present rule), in the order of the corresponding Parent clauses.The postconditions of any inherited functions which C redefines as an attribute, with every occurrence of Result replaced by the attribute's final name. (If there are two or more such redefinitions, include them in the order in which their new declarations appear in C.) The Assertion in C's own Invariant clause, if any. 9.12 CONSISTENCY OF A CLASSDefinition: consistency A class C is consistent if and only if it satisfies the following two conditions: For every creation procedure p of C: {prep} dop {INVC & postp}For every routine r of C exported generally or selectively: {prer & INVC} dor {postr & INVC} In this rule, INVC is the invariant of C and, for any routine s, pres is the precondition of s, posts its postcondition, and dos its body. 9.13 CHECK INSTRUCTIONS--------------------------------- Check (fig) check Assertion end ---------------------------------Definition: check-correct An effective routine r is check-correct if, for every Check instruction c in r, any execution of c (as part of an execution of r) satisfies all its assertions. 9.14 LOOP INVARIANTS AND VARIANTS--------------------------------------------- Variant (fig) variant [Tag_mark] Expression ---------------------------------------------
A Variant is valid if and only if its Expression is of type INTEGER.
The invariant assertion INV of a loop must have the following two properties:
9.16 CORRECTNES S OF A CLASSDefinition: correctness (class) A class is correct if and only if it is consistent and every routine of the class is check-correct, loop-correct and exception-correct.9.17 SEMANTICS OF ASSERTIONSFor a correct system, assertions, in all cases, will have no effect on the semantics of system execution (except through possible side effects of the functions called by assertions). For an incorrect system, the effect depends on compilation or execution options. Various options of the environment will make it possible to evaluate assertions. If an assertion evaluates to true, it has no further effect on the outcome of the computation. If it evaluates to false, it will trigger an exception, disrupting the normal flow of computation, as discussed in the chapter on exception handling. An assertion violation detected as a result of enabling assertion monitoring at one of the above levels triggers an exception. An exception will also result, at level loop or higher, if a loop iteration fails to decrease the variant or gives it a negative value. Here is the rule for determining the recipient of an exception resulting from an assertion violation:
10 Feature adaptation10.2 REDECLARING INHERITED FEATURES: WHY AND HOWDefinition: redeclaration A class that contains a redefinition or effecting of an inherited feature will be said to redeclare that feature.10.6 THE REDEFINITION CLAUSEDefinition: precursor If a class inherits a feature from a parent, either keeping the feature unchanged or redefining it, the parent's version of the feature is called the precursor of the feature.10.15 REDECLARATION AND ASSERTIONSConsider a routine redeclaration and let pre1, ... pren be the precursors' preconditions and post1, ..., postn be the precursors' postconditions. Assume that new assertion clauses are present, of the form: require else alternative_precondition ensure then extra_postcondition Then the redeclared routine will be considered to have the precondition and postcondition alternative_precondition or else pre1 or else ... or else pren extra_postcondition and then post1 and then ... and then postn If, in a routine redeclaration, the Precondition part is absent, the redeclared routine is considered to have false as its alternative_precondition; if the Postcondition part is absent, the redeclared routine is considered to have true as its extra_postcondition. Because of the rules of boolean algebra, the absence of one of these assertions means that the corresponding precursor assertion is kept as it was. (Or-ing a boolean value with false, or and-ing it with true, does not change the condition.) For a declaration of an immediate feature of a class, the require else form of Precondition clause has the same meaning as if it were introduced by just require, and the ensure then form of Postcondition clause has the same meaning as if it were introduced by just ensure. 10.16 UNDEFINING A FEATUREDefinition: inherited as effective, as deferred In the rest of this discussion, an inherited feature is said to be inherited as effective if it has at least one effective precursor and the corresponding Parent part does not undefine it. Otherwise the feature is inherited as deferred.10.17 THE JOIN MECHANISMIf C inherits and joins two or more deferred features, the net result for C is as if it had inherited a single deferred feature. In the absence of further action from C, that feature remains deferred. Of course, C may also provide an effective declaration for the feature, killing several abstract birds with one concrete stone by using a single redeclaration to effect several features inherited as deferred. 10.19 REDEFINITION AND UNDEFINITION RULES--------------------------------------- Redefine (fig) redefine Feature_list Undefine (fig) undefine Feature_list --------------------------------------- Redefine Subclause rule Consider a class C with a parent B. If a Parent part for B in C contains a Redefine subclause, that clause is valid if and only if every Feature_identifier fname that it lists (in its Feature_list) satisfies the following conditions:
The effect of redefining a feature in a class is that any use of the feature in the class, its clients or (barring further redefinitions) its proper descendants will refer to the redefined version rather than the original. Undefine Subclause rule Consider a class C that inherits from a class B. If a Parent part for B in C contains an Undefine subclause, that clause is valid if and only if, for every Feature_identifier fname that it lists (in its Feature_list):
fname is the final name in C of a feature inherited from B.
10.20 DEFERRED AND EFFECTIVE FEATURES AND CLASSESDefinition: effective feature, deferred feature, effecting A feature f of a class C is said to be an effective feature of C if and only if any of the following conditions holds. f is introduced in C as an attribute or a routine whose Routine_body is of the Effective form (that is to say, not the keyword deferred but beginning with do, once or external).f is an inherited feature, coming from a parent B of C where it is (recursively) effective, and C does not undefine it. Another feature of C with the same final name is (recursively) effective. That feature is then said to effect f in C. A feature of C is a deferred feature of C if and only if it is not an effective feature of C. Condition 3 defines the effecting case: an effective feature, which has the same final name as one or more deferred features, serves as effecting for all of them.
10.21 ORIGIN AND SEEDDefinition: origin, seed Every feature of a class C has a seed, which is a feature, and an origin, which is a class, defined as follows.
Any immediate feature of C (in other words, any feature introduced in C rather than inherited) is its own seed, and has C as its origin.
10.22 REDECLARATION RULESDefinition: redeclaration, redefinition, effectingA class C redeclares an inherited feature f if and only if one of the following two conditions holds:
A redefinition is a redeclaration which is not an effecting. Redeclaration rule Let C be a class and g a feature of C. It is valid for g to be a redeclaration of a feature f inherited from a parent B of C if and only if the following conditions are satisfied.
No effective feature of C other than f and g has the same final name.
Any feature or entity of a class C has a declared type as follows:
10.23 RULES ON JOINING FEATURESDefinition: precursor (joined features) A precursor of an inherited feature is a version of the feature in the parent from which it is inherited. Without the join mechanism there was just one precursor; but a feature which results from the join of two or more deferred features will have all of them as precursors.Join rule It is valid for a class C to inherit two different features as deferred under the same final name if and only if, after possible redeclaration in C, they have identical signatures. Join Semantics rule Joining deferred features with the same final name yields a non-obsolete deferred feature defined as follows:
11 Repeated inheritance11.2 CASES OF REPEATED INHERITANCEDefinition: repeated inheritance, ancestor, descendant Repeated inheritance occurs whenever (as a result of multiple inheritance) two or more of the ancestors of a class D have a common parent A. D is then called a repeated descendant of A, and A a repeated ancestor of D. Definition: direct repeated inheritance The simplest case, called direct repeated inheritance, corresponds to the following scheme (where D is a ``repeated heir'' of A): class D inherit A rename ... redefine ... end; A rename ... redefine ... end ... Rest of class omitted ... Definition: indirect repeated inheritance The second case, indirect repeated inheritance, arises when one parent of D is a proper descendant of A, and one or more other parents are descendants of A. (Some of the paths may be direct.)11.3 SHARING AND REPLICATION
Repeated Inheritance rule Let D be a class and B1, ... Bn (n >= 2) be parents of D having a common ancestor A. Let f1, ... fn be features of these respective parents, all having as their seed the same feature f of A. Then:
Any subset of these features inherited by D under the same final name yields a single feature of D.
11.10 NAME CLASHESDefinition: name clashA name clash occurs for a certain feature name fname in a class C if, for two different parents A and B of C, both A and B have a feature of name fname. 11.11 THE INHERITED FEATURES OF A CLASSDefinition: inherited features Let D be a class. The list inherited of inherited features of D is obtained as follows. Let precursors be the list obtained by concatenating the lists of features of every parent of D; this list may contain duplicates in the case of repeated inheritance. Then inherited is obtained from precursors as follows:
In list precursors, for any set of two or more elements representing features that are repeatedly inherited in D under the same name, so that the Repeated Inheritance rule yields sharing, keep only one of these elements. The Repeated Inheritance Consistency constraint (sharing case) indicates that these elements must all represent the same feature, so that it does not matter which one is kept.
Feature Name rule It is valid for a class C to introduce a feature with the Feature_name fname, or to inherit a feature under the final name fname, if and only if no other feature of C has that same name.
A class may not introduce two different features, both deferred or both effective, with the same name.
11.12 VERSIONS OF A FEATUREDefinition: potential version Let f be a feature of a class A and D a descendant of A. A potential version of f in D is any inherited feature of D which is either:
If D has two or more potential versions of f, the Repeated Inheritance Consistency constraint, seen below, states that exactly one of them must appear, under its final D name, as part of a Select clause in D; then df is that feature. Definition: potentially ambiguous Let D be a repeated descendant of a class A. A feature f of A is potentially ambiguous in D if and only if one of the following two conditions holds: f is an attribute. D has two or more potential versions of f. 11.13 THE REPEATED INHERITANCE CONSISTENCY CONSTRAINT---------------------------------- Select (fig) select Feature_list ----------------------------------
It is valid for a class D to be a repeated descendant of a class A if and only if D satisfies the following two conditions for every feature f of A:
Select Subclause rule A Select subclause appearing in the Parent part for a class B in a class D is valid if and only if, for every Feature_name fname in its Feature_list, fname is the final name in D of a feature that has two or more potential versions in D, and fname appears only once in the Feature_list. 12 Types12.4 HOW TO DECLARE A TYPE-------------------------------------------------------- Type (fig) Class_type | Class_type_expanded | Formal_generic_name | Anchored | Bit_type Class_type (fig) Class_name [Actual_generics] Actual_generics (fig) "[" Type_list "]" Type_list (fig) {Type "," ...} Class_type_expanded (fig) expanded Class_type Bit_type (fig) BIT Constant Anchored (fig) like Anchor Anchor (fig) Identifier | Current -------------------------------------------------------- 12.5 BASE CLASS, BASE TYPEClass Type rule An Identifier CC is valid as the Class_name part of a Class_type if and only if it is the name of a class in the surrounding universe. 12.7 UNCONSTRAINED GENERICITYDefinition: base class, base type (class Type) The base class of a generically derived type is the class used to derive it by providing actual generic parameters. Definition: constrained, unconstrained generic The syntax for Class_declaration includes an optional Constraint part after every formal generic parameter. If present, this part makes the parameter constrained; if not, the parameter is unconstrained. A generic class is constrained if it has at least one constrained parameter, unconstrained otherwise. Definition: generic class, generic derivation, non-generic Any class declared with a non-empty Formal_generics part (constrained or not) is said to be a generic class. A generic class does not describe a type but a template for a set of possible types. To derive an actual type from this template, you must provide an Actual_generics list, whose elements are themselves types. The result is called a generic derivation.Unconstrained Genericity rule Let CT be a Class_type having a non-empty Actual_generics part, whose base class C is not a constrained generic class. CT is valid if and only if C satisfies the following two conditions:
C is a generic class.
A generically derived type is expanded if its base class is an expanded class; otherwise it is a reference type. 12.8 CONSTRAINED GENERICITYThe effect of a Constraint, if present, is to restrict allowable actual generic parameters to types that conform to the Class_type given. Constrained Genericity rule Let C be a constrained generic class. A Class_type CT having C as base class is valid if and only if CT satisfies the two conditions of the Unconstrained Genericity rule (VTUG, page \n(Qt) and, in addition:
For any Formal_generic parameter in the declaration of C having a constraint of the form --> D, the corresponding Type in the Actual_generics list of CT conforms to D.
12.9 USING FORMAL GENERIC PARAMETERS AS TYPESDefinition: base class, base type (constrained generic) We consider the base type of a constrained generic parameter to be its constraining type, with the associated base class. Definition: base class, base type (unconstrained generic) ANY serves as both the base type and the base class of any unconstrained Formal_generic_name.12.11 CLASS TYPES EXPANDEDIf T is a valid Class_type, generically derived or not, expanded T is a valid Class_type_expanded, and the possible values for entities of that type are instances of T. 12.12 RULES ON EXPANDED TYPESDefinition: expanded type, reference type A type T is expanded if and only if one of the following conditions holds: T is a Class_type whose base class C is an expanded class.T is of the form expanded CT. (As noted, it is redundant but not erroneous for the base class of CT to be an expanded class.) T is of the form BIT M for some non-negative integer M. T is a reference type if it is not a Formal_generic_name and none of the above condition applies. Expanded Type rule It is valid to use an expanded type of base class C in the text of a class B if and only if it satisfies the following two conditions:
C is not a deferred class.
Any entity declared of an expanded type has run-time values which are instances of the corresponding base type. 12.14 BIT TYPESA Bit_type declaration is valid if and only if its Constant is of type INTEGER, and has a positive value. The possible values of an entity declared as BIT N for some N are bit sequences of exactly N bits. 12.15 ANCHORED TYPESDefinition: anchored type, anchor An Anchored type is of the formlike anchor where anchor is called the anchor of the type. An anchored type of the form like anchor appearing in a class C is valid if and only if one of the following holds:
The base type BT of an anchored type like anchor appearing in a class C is determined as follows:
13 Conformance13.3 SIGNATURE CONFORMANCEA signature t = (<B1, ..., Bn>, <S>) conforms to a signature s = (<A1, ..., An>, <R>) if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
13.4 DIRECT AND INDIRECT CONFORMANCELet T and V be two types. V conforms to T if and only if one of the following holds:
13.5 CONFORMANCE TO A NON-GENERIC REFERENCE TYPELet CT be a Class_type of base class C, and BT be a reference type whose base class B is not generic. CT conforms directly to BT if and only if the Inheritance clause of C lists B in one or more of its Parent items. 13.6 GENERICALLY DERIVED REFERENCE TYPESLet BT be a generically derived reference type of base type B [X1,... Xn] for some n >= 1, where the formal generic parameters of B are G1,... Gn. Let CT be a Class_type of base class C different from B. To determine whether CT conforms directly to BT, define the substitution σas follows:
Then CT conforms directly to BT if and only if the Inheritance clause of C lists B [Z1,... Zn] as one of its Parent items and, for every j such that 1 <= j <= n, applying substitution σ to Zj yields Xj. 13.7 FORMAL GENERIC PARAMETERSLet G be a formal generic parameter of a class, which in the class may be used as a type of the Formal_generic_name category. No type conforms directly to G. If G is not constrained, it conforms directly to the type ANY (based on the corresponding universal class) and to no other type. If G is constrained by CT, G conforms directly to CT and to no other type. 13.8 ANCHORED TYPESIn a class C, type like Current conforms directly to its base type CT, where CT is C followed by its Formal_generic_list, if any, with any Constraint removed. Type like anchor, where anchor is a feature of C or a formal argument of a routine of C, conforms directly to the type of anchor in C. An anchored type conforms directly to no type other than implied by these rules. No type conforms directly to an anchored type. 13.9 EXPRESSION CONFORMANCEAn expression v of type VT conforms to an expression t of type TT if and only if they satisfy any one of the following four conditions.
13.10 EXPANDED TYPESDefinition: heavier arithmetic type Any arithmetic type conforms to heavier ones, where DOUBLE is heavier than REAL and INTEGER, and REAL is heavier than INTEGER.Let T be an expanded type other than a Bit_type. A type U conforms directly to T if and only if they satisfy any one of the following three conditions:
In case 1 T also conforms directly to U. An expanded type conforms directly to no type other than implied by this rule and the rules of 13.5 and 13.6. 13.11 BIT TYPESThe possible direct conformance cases involving a Bit_type are the following for any positive integers N and P:
Other than implied by these rules, no type conforms directly to a Bit_type, and a Bit_type conforms directly to no type. 14 Control structures14.2 COMPOUND-------------------------------------- Compound (fig) {Instruction ";" ...} -------------------------------------- The effect of executing a Compound may be defined as follows.
14.3 NULL INSTRUCTIONSpecimens of the null instruction are empty.
The effect of the null instruction is to leave the state of the computation unchanged. 14.4 CONDITIONAL-------------------------------------------------------- Conditional (fig) if Then_part_list [Else_part] end Then_part_list (fig) {Then_part elseif ...}+ Then_part (fig) Boolean_expression then Compound Else_part (fig) else Compound -------------------------------------------------------- To define precisely the semantics of this construct, a few auxiliary notions are useful. As the syntactical specification shows, a Conditional begins with if condition1 then compound1
The final part, also optional, is of the form else compoundn. Definition: prevail immediately If the value of condition1 is true when the instruction is executed, then the Conditional is said to prevail immediately. Finally, we may consider that every Conditional has an Else_part if we understand an empty Else_part to stand for one with an empty Compound. With these conventions, the effect of a Conditional may be defined as follows. If the Conditional prevails immediately, then its effect is that of its compound1 part, as defined above. Otherwise:
14.5 MULTI-BRANCH CHOICEDefinition: inspect expression A Multi_branch instruction contains a Expression, called the inspect expression, appearing after the keyword inspect. The inspect expression, last_input in the example, may only be of type INTEGER or, as here, CHARACTER. It includes one or more When_part, each of which indicates a list of one or more Choice, separated by commas, and a Compound to be executed when the value of the Expression is one of the given Choice values. Definition: inspect constant Every Choice specifies one or more values, called inspect constants. More precisely, a Choice is either a single constant (Manifest_constant or constant attribute) or an interval of consecutive constants yielding all the interval's elements as inspect constants. If present, the instruction's optional Else_part is executed when the inspect expression is not equal to any of the inspect constants.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi_branch (fig) inspect Expression [When_part_list] [Else_part] end When_part_list (fig) when {When_part when ...}+ When_part (fig) Choices then Compound Choices (fig) {Choice "," ...} Choice (fig) Constant | Interval Interval (fig) Integer_interval | Character_interval Integer_interval (fig) Integer_constant "ll" Integer_constant Character_interval (fig) Character_constant "l" Character_constant ---------------------------------------------------------------------Definition: unfolded form of a multi_branch To discuss the constraints and the semantics, it is convenient to consider the unfolded form of a Multi_branch. To obtain it, just replace any integer or character Interval, in the Choices of a When_part, by a Choices list made up of all constants between the interval's bounds, or empty if the second bound is smaller than the first. Integer order is used for an Integer_interval, and character code order for a Character_interval. Multi_branch rule A Multi_branch instruction is valid if and only if its unfolded form satisfies the following conditions.
The effect of executing a Multi_branch instruction is defined as the effect of executing its unfolded form, as follows. The value of the inspect expression is computed. Because of the above validity constraint, that value may be equal to at most one of the inspect constants. If there is indeed one such constant, the effect of the Multi_branch is that of the Compound appearing after the then in the When_part of the matching inspect constant. If there is no such constant:
14.7 LOOP----------------------------------------------- Initialization (fig) from Compound Loop_body (fig) Exit loop Compound Exit (fig) until Boolean_expression ----------------------------------------------- The effect of a Loop is the effect of executing its Initialization followed by the effect of executing its Loop_body. The effect of executing an Initialization clause is the effect of executing its Compound. The effect of executing a Loop_body is to leave the state of the computation unchanged if the Boolean_expression of its Exit clause evaluates to false; otherwise, it is the effect of executing the Compound clause, followed (recursively) by the effect of executing the Loop_body again in the resulting state. 14.8 THE DEBUG INSTRUCTION------------------------------------------------------ Debug (fig) debug [Debug_keys] Compound end Debug_keys (fig) "(" Debug_key_list ")" Debug_key_list (fig) {Debug_key "," ...} Debug_key (fig) Manifest_string ------------------------------------------------------
The effect of a Debug instruction depends on the mode that has been chosen for the enclosing class:
15 Exceptions15.2 WHAT IS AN EXCEPTION?Definitions: failure, exception Under certain circumstances, the execution of a construct (such as an instruction) may be unable to terminate as you normally expect it to. The execution is then said to result in a failure. If a routine executes a component and that component fails, this will prevent the routine's execution from proceeding as planned; such an event is called an exception.15.3 EXCEPTION HANDLING POLICYOnly three possibilities make sense for handling an exception:
15.8 SYNTAX AND VALIDITY OF THE EXCEPTION CONSTRUCTS------------------------------ Rescue (fig) rescue Compound Retry (fig) retry ------------------------------
It is valid for a Routine to include a Rescue clause if and only if its Routine_body is of the Internal form. A Retry instruction is valid if and only if it appears in a Rescue clause. 15.9 SEMANTICS OF EXCEPTION HANDLINGDefinition: rescue block Any Internal routine r of a class C has a rescue block rb, which is a Compound defined as follows:
If r has a Rescue clause, rb is the Compound contained in that clause.
An exception triggered during an execution of a routine r leads, if it is neither ignored nor continued, to the following sequence of events.
The definition mentions that it applies only to a routine which is neither ignored nor continued. This corresponds to two facilities provided through features of the Kernel Library class EXCEPTIONS, implementing the false alarm response:
15.10 EXCEPTION CORRECTNESSDefinition: exception- correct A routine r of a class C is exception-correct if and only if, for every branch b of its rescue block: If b ends with a Retry: {true} b {INVC & prer}If b does not end with a Retry: {true} b {INVC} In this rule, INVC is the invariant of class C and prer is the precondition of r. 16 Attributes16.5 CONSTANT ATTRIBUTES WITH MANIFEST VALUESA declaration of a feature f introducing a manifest constant is valid if and only if the Manifest_constant m used in the declaration matches the type T declared for f in one of the following ways:
16.6 UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES--------------------- Unique (fig) unique ---------------------
A declaration of a feature f introducing a Unique constant is valid if and only if the type T declared for f is INTEGER.
Unique Declaration rule The value of an attribute declared as unique is a positive integer. If two unique attributes are introduced in the same class, their values are different. Furthermore, unique attributes declared as part of the same Feature_declaration are guaranteed to have consecutive values, in the order given. 17 Objects, values and entities17.2 OBJECTSDefinition: standard object, special object There are two kinds of object, standard and special:
17.4 INSTANCES OF A CLASSDefinition: instance of a class An instance of a class C is an instance of any type T based on C, and similarly for direct instances.17.5 INSTANCES AND DIRECT INSTANCES OF A TYPEDefinition: instances of a type The instances of a type TX are the direct instances of any type conforming to TX.Definition: diirect instances of non-basic expanded types Let TX be an expanded type which is neither one of the basic types (BOOLEAN, CHARACTER, INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE, POINTER) nor a Bit_type. The direct instances of TX are the the direct instances of the base type of TX. 17.6 DIRECT INSTANCES OF BASIC TYPESDirect instances of basic types The direct instances of the basic types are the following.
17.7 FIELDS OF COMPLEX OBJECTSDefinition: complex class, complex type, field Every class other than BOOLEAN, CHARACTER, INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE and POINTER is said to be a complex class. Any type whose base class is complex is itself a complex type, and its instances are complex objects. Consider a class type TC, of base class C, and an attribute a of class C, with TA being the type of a. The possible values for the field corresponding to attribute a in a direct instance of TC depend on the nature of TA. There are three possible cases for TA: Reference type. (This also covers the case of an anchored type, of the form like x, which has a class type as base type.)Expanded type. Formal generic parameter of class C. In case 1, the field corresponding to attribute a is a reference. That reference may be void, or it may be attached to an instance of TA's base type --- not necessarily a direct instance.
17.9 EXPRESSIONS AND ENTITIESDefinition: entity In a class text, four kinds of entity may appear: Final names of attributes of the class.Local entities of routines, including the predefined entity Result for functions. Formal routine arguments. Current, the predefined entity used to represent a reference to the current object (the target of the latest not yet completed routine call). --------------------- Unique (fig) unique ---------------------
Entity rule An occurrence of an entity e in the text of a class C (other than as feature of a qualified call) is valid if and only if it satisfies one of the following conditions:
18 Creating objects18.8 CREATION SYNTAX---------------------------------------------------------------- Creators (fig) creation {Creation_clause creation ...}+ Creation_clause (fig) [Clients] [Header_comment] Feature_list ---------------------------------------------------------------- Creation_clause rule A Creation_clause appearing in the Creators part of a class C is valid if and only if it satisfies the following five conditions, the last four for every Feature_identifier fname in the clause's Feature_list:
------------------------------------------------------------- Creation (fig) "!" [Type] "!" Writable [Creation_call] Creation_call (fig) "l" Unqualified_call -------------------------------------------------------------Definition: creation Type To discuss the validity and semantics of the Creation instruction it is useful to introduce the notion of creation type of a Creation instruction. The creation type is the optional Type appearing in the instruction (between exclamation marks) if present; otherwise it is the base type of the target. 18.9 CREATION VALIDITY (CLASS-LEVEL)Creation Instruction rule Consider a Creation instruction appearing in a class X. Let x be the target of the instruction, T its creation type, and C the base class of T. The instruction is class-valid if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
T is not a Formal_generic_name (that is to say, a formal parameter of the class where the instruction appears).
18.10 CREATION VALIDITY (SYSTEM-LEVEL)A Creation instruction is system-valid if and only if it satisfies one of the following two conditions:
A Creation instruction is valid if and only if it is both class-valid and system-valid. 18.11 CREATION SEMANTICSWith the above validity rules, we can define the precise semantics of a Creation instruction. Consider such an instruction with target x and creation type T. If T is a reference type, the effect of executing the instruction is the following sequence of steps:
18.13 DEFAULT INITIALIZATION VALUESConsider a field of a newly created object, corresponding to an attribute of type FT in the base class of the object's type. The default initialization value init for the field is determined as follows according to the nature of FT.
19 Duplicating and comparing objects19.2 COPYING AN OBJECTAssume copy has not been redefined and consider a call xl copy (y). As with any call, the target x must be non-void; the first precondition clause of copy states that y must also be non-void. Let OX and OY be the attached objects at the time of the call.
19.3 CLONING AN OBJECTHere is the definition of the semantics of a call clone (y):
19.7 OBJECT EQUALITYHere is the precise result that the standard version of equal must return when applied to two values x and y.
19.8 DEEP EQUALITYTwo references x and y are deep-equal if and only if they are either both void or attached to deep-equal objects. Two objects OX and OY are deep-equal and only if they satisfy the following four conditions:
OX and OY have the same exact type.
20 Reattaching entities20.4 SYNTAX AND VALIDITY OF DIRECT REATTACHMENT------------------------------------------- Assignment (fig) Writable ":=" Expression -------------------------------------------Assignment rule An Assignment is valid if and only if its source expression conforms to its target entity. 20.5 SEMANTICS OF DIRECT REATTACHMENT-------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE TYPE → Reference Expanded TARGET TYPE ↓ Reference [1] Reference reattachment [3] Clone Expanded [2] Copy (will fail if source [4] Copy is void) -------------------------------------------------------- For the exception raised in case 2 if the value of y is void, the Kernel Library class EXCEPTIONS introduces the integer code Void_assigned_to_expanded. 20.9 POLYMORPHISMDefinition: dynamic type The dynamic type of an entity or expression x, at some instant of execution when x is not void, is the type of the object to which x is attached. This should not be confused with the ``type'' of x (called its static type if there is any ambiguity), which for an entity is the type with which it is declared, and for an expression is the type deduced from the types of its constituents. Definition: polymorphism The ability to have more than one dynamic type is called polymorphism; an entity or expression which has two or more possible dynamic types (that is to say, which may become attached at run time to objects of two or more types) is itself a polymorphic entity. Only entities or expressions of reference types may be polymorphic. Definition: dynamic type set, dynamic class set The set of possible dynamic types for an entity or expression x is called the dynamic type set of x. The set of base classes of these types is called the dynamic class set of x.20.14 RULES ON ASSIGNMENT ATTEMPT--------------------------------------------------- Assignment_attempt (fig) Writable "?=" Expression ---------------------------------------------------
Assignment Attempt rule An Assignment_attempt is valid if and only if the type of the target entity is a reference type. The effect of an Assignment_attempt of source y and target x, of type TX, is the following:
20.17 SEMANTICS OF EQUALITYThere are in fact two operators to consider here: equality = and inequality /=. However only one semantic definition is needed, since the effect of x /= y is defined in all cases to be that of not (x = y) ------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE OF FIRST→ Reference Expanded TYPE OF SECOND ↓ Reference [1] Reference equality [3] standard_equal Expanded [2] standard_equal [4] standard_equal ------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Feature call21.3 USES OF CALLS
21.6 FORM OF A CALL-------------------------------------------------------------------- Call (fig) [Parenthesized_qualifier] Call_chain Parenthesized_qualifier (fig) Parenthesized\0"l" Call_chain (fig) {Unqualified_call "l" ...}+ Unqualified_call (fig) Entity [Actuals] Actuals (fig) "(" Actual_list ")" Actual_list (fig) {Actual "," ...} Actual (fig) Expression | Address Address (fig) "$" Address_mark Address_mark (fig) Feature_name | Current | Result -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21.12 EXECUTING THE BODY To execute (or ``run'') a system on a machine means to get the machine to apply a creation instruction to the system's root class.
Definition: current object
In all but trivial cases, the root's creation procedure will create more objects and execute more calls. This extremely simple semantic definition of system execution has as its immediate consequence to yield a precise definition of the current object and current routine. At any time during execution, the current object CO is the object to which the latest non-completed routine call applies, and the current routine cr is the feature of that call. They may be defined precisely as follows:
At the start of the execution of a system, CO is the root object (the instance of the root class whose creation is the first act of system execution) and cr is the selected creation procedure. (If the root class has no creation procedure, execution terminates immediately.)
21.14 SEMANTICS OF CALLSConsider the execution, at a certain run-time instant, of a call targetlfname (y1, ..., yn) To define its effect, call target_value the value of target at that instant. The first possibility is for target_value to be void. Then the call cannot be executed correctly; it will fail, triggering an exception. For the exception raised in this case, the Kernel Library class EXCEPTIONS introduces the integer code Void_call_target. The rest of this section assumes that target_value is not void. Then target_value is attached to some object OD, which must be a direct instance of some type DT (for ``dynamic type'') based on some class D. Let ST be the type of expression target and S the base class of ST. The rules of reattachment indicate that DT conforms to ST, and that D is a descendant of S. Also, because DT has a direct instance OD, D must be an effective class. If the call is valid, the constraint on calls implies that fname is the final name of a feature sf of class S, available to the class which contains the call. Let df be the version of sf in D; dynamic binding means that the effect of the call is determined by df, not sf. If df is an external routine, the effect of the call is to execute that routine on the actual arguments given, if any, according to the rules of the language in which it is written. There remains to cover the case in which df is a non-external non-once routine (with a Routine_body beginning with the keyword do). Then the effect of the call is the effect of the following sequence of steps.
If df has arguments, attach every formal argument to the value of the corresponding actual argument, applying the semantics of direct reattachment.
22 Type checking22.9 THE CALL VALIDITY RULECall rule A call is valid if and only if it is both class-valid and system-valid. Consider a single-dot call with target x, appearing in a class C. Let S be the type of x. Then:
A call appearing in a class C, having fname as the feature of the call, is export-valid for a class D if and only if it satisfies either of the following two conditions.
Consider an export-valid call of target target and feature name fname appearing in a class C. (For an Unqualified_call take target to be Current.) Let ST be the type of target, S the base class of ST, and sf the feature of final name fname in S. Let D be a descendant of S, and df the version of sf in D. The call is argument-valid for D if and only if it satisfies the following four conditions:
The dynamic type sets of the expressions, entities and functions of a system result from performing all possible applications of the following rules to every Class_type T, of base class C, used in the system.
If a routine of C contains a creation instruction, with target x and creation type U, the dynamic type set of x for T is {UT}.
To study the effect of array manipulations on dynamic type sets, assume that in class ARRAY feature item is an attribute, and that put (v, i) and force (v, i) are both implemented as item := v
------------------------------------------------------------------ Expression (fig) Call | Operator_expression | Equality | Manifest_constant | Manifest_array | Old | Strip Boolean_expression (fig) Expression ------------------------------------------------------------------ A Boolean_expression is valid if and only if it is an Expression of type BOOLEAN. 23.3 EQUALITY EXPRESSIONS--------------------------------------------------- Equality (fig) Expression Comparison Expression Comparison (fig) "=" | "/=" ---------------------------------------------------
An Equality expression is valid if and only if either of its operands conforms to the other.
The expression e /= f has value true if and only if e = f has value false. 23.5 OPERATOR EXPRESSION SYNTAX AND PRECEDENCE RULES---------------------------------------------------------------- Operator_expression (fig) Parenthesized | Unary_expression | Binary_expression Parenthesized (fig) "(" Expression ")" Unary_expression (fig) Prefix_operator Expression Binary_expression (fig) Expression Infix_operator Expression ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23.6 VALIDITY AND SEMANTICS OF OPERATOR EXPRESSIONSAn Operator_expression is valid if and only if its equivalent dot form is a valid Call.
The semantics of an Operator_expression is simply the semantics of calls: the value of an operator expression is the value that would be returned by the equivalent dot form. This is complemented by a special rule seen below, semi-strict evaluation, for boolean operators. 23.7 ORDINARY BOOLEAN OPERATORSThe value of not a is true if and only if a has value false. The others are binary operators; the value they yield when applied to a first operand of value v1 and a second operand of value v2 is defined as follows:
23.8 SEMI-STRICT BOOLEAN OPERATORSFor operands of values v1 and v2 these operators yield the following results:
23.9 ARITHMETIC OPERATORS AND THE BALANCING RULEArithmetic Expression Balancing rule In determining the equivalent dot form of a Binary expression involving operands of arithmetic types (one or more of DOUBLE, REAL and INTEGER), first convert all operands to the heaviest operand type occurring in the expression. 23.10 OPERATIONS ON BIT SEQUENCESIf b is a bit sequence, not b is a bit sequence of the same length, with a one at every position where b has a zero and conversely. If sa and sb are bit sequences, each of the binary operators pads the shorter operand with zeros on the right if necessary to reach the number of bits, N, of the larger. For any position i (1 <= i <= N) let a , b , c be the i-th bits of sa , sb, sc. Then c is a one if and only if:
An Equality expression involving two bit sequences yields true if and only if, after right-padding if necessary, they are bit-by-bit identical. 23.11 ENTITIESIdentifier rule An Identifier appearing in an expression as part of the text of a routine r in a class C, either by itself or as the target or actual argument of a Call, must be the name of a feature of C, a local entity of r, or a formal argument of r. The value of an entity of each possible form, evaluated during a call to the enclosing routine, is defined as follows:
23.12 CONSTANTS------------------------------------------------------------- Constant = Manifest_constant | Constant_attribute Constant_attribute = Entity ------------------------------------------------------------- A Constant_attribute appearing in a class C is valid if and only if its Entity is the final name of a constant attribute of C.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Manifest_constant (fig) Boolean_constant | Character_constant | Integer_constant | Real_constant | Manifest_string | Bit_constant Sign (fig) "+" | "--" Integer_constant (fig) [Sign] Integer Character_constant (fig) "'" Character "'" Boolean_constant (fig) true | false Real_constant (fig) [Sign] Real Manifest_string (fig) '"' Simple_string '"' Bit_constant (fig) Bit_sequence -------------------------------------------------------------- 23.17 CHARACTER CONSTANTSThe value of a Character_constant is its middle Character. 23.18 MANIFEST STRINGS A Manifest_string is valid if and only if it satisfies the following two conditions:
None of the characters of its associated Simple_string is a double quote.
23.20 MANIFEST ARRAYS------------------------------------------------- Manifest_array (fig) "<<" Expression_list ">>" Expression_list (fig) {Expression "," ...} -------------------------------------------------
Manifest Array rule A Manifest_array <<e1, e2, ... en>> is a valid expression of type ARRAY [T] if and only if the type of every ei conforms to T.
23.21 STRIP EXPRESSIONS--------------------------------------------------- Strip (fig) strip "(" Attribute_list ")" Attribute_list (fig) {Identifier "," ...} ---------------------------------------------------
A Strip expression appearing in a class C is valid if and only if its Attribute_list satisfies the following two conditions:
Consider the evaluation of a Strip expression as part of a call to a routine r, whose origin is a class C. Let a1, ..., an be the set containing all the attributes of C except for those listed in the Attribute_list, if present, of the Strip expression. Let CO be the current object for the call (CO is an instance, not necessarily direct, of a type based on C). Then the value of the expression is an array whose elements are the fields of CO corresponding to attributes a1, ..., an, appearing in an order which only depends on class C (that is to say, is the same for all possible values of the object CO). 24 Interfaces with other languages24.3 EXTERNAL ROUTINES------------------------------------------------------------ External (fig) external Language_name [External_name] Language_name (fig) Manifest_string External_name (fig) alias Manifest_string ------------------------------------------------------------ 24.5 ARGUMENT AND RESULT TRANSMISSIONFor external routines, follow the the semantics of direct reattachment, interpreted as if each formal argument were declared with exactly the same type as the corresponding actual. 24.6 PASSING THE ADDRESS OF AN EIFFEL FEATUREAn argument of the Address form is of type POINTER. The validity constraint on actual arguments of the Address form is clause 4 of the argument validity rule, which makes $ f valid as actual argument to a call if and only if f is the final name of a feature of the enclosing class, and that feature is not a constant attribute (which has no address). If the rule is satisfied, the feature will have a version df applicable to the current object: this is the version of f for the current object's generator (taking into account possible renaming and redefinition). The value passed for attachment to the corresponding formal argument is the address of df. This applies to both routines and variable attributes; for an attribute, the call will pass the address of the field corresponding to df in the current object. 24.7 THE CECIL LIBRARYThis section describes a library for interfacing with C software: Cecil. The Cecil library contains macros, functions, types and error codes. All have names beginning with either eif_ (functions and macros) or EIF_ (types and error codes); examples are the function eif_type_id and the type EIF_PROC, explained below. Their declarations appear in a C ``header file'', cecillh, which you may add to a C program through the C preprocessor directive #include <cecillh> Let us now look at the principal facilities declared in cecillh. First of all, the C side will need to refer to Eiffel types. It will know a type through a ``type-id'', of type EIF_TYPE_ID. To obtain a type-id for a non-generic class of name CLASSNAME and record it in a C variable your_id, use the function eif_type_id, which returns a result of type EIF_TYPE_ID: EIF_TYPE_ID your_id; ... your_id = eif_type_id ("CLASSNAME"); If the class is generic, replace the last instruction by your_id = eif_generic_id ("CLASSNAME", gen1, gen2, ...); where gen1, gen2, ... are type-ids corresponding to the desired actual generic parameters. Function eif_generic_id has a variable number of arguments; the number of arguments following the first one ("CLASSNAME") must match the number of formal generic parameters of the class of name CLASSNAME. The result returned by eif_type_id or eif_generic_id describes a type which is expanded if and only if CLASSNAME is declared in Eiffel as expanded class. To force a result describing an expanded type, apply eif_expanded to the result of either function; the result is another type-id. All these functions return as result the error code EIF_NO_TYPE if they cannot compute a type-id (no class with the given name in the universe, more than one class, wrong number of generic parameters). It is possible to create an object from C, using the function eif_create which takes an EIF_TYPE_ID argument and returns an EIF_OBJ. Here is the list of functions used for calling the various kinds of Eiffel features from C, with their types and template arguments: EIF_PROC eif_proc (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_BOOL eif_fn_bool (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_CHAR eif_fn_char (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_INT eif_fn_int (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_REAL eif_fn_real (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_DOUBLE eif_fn_double (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_POINTER eif_fn_pointer (routine_name, type_id) EIF_FN_REF eif_fn_ref (routine_name, type_id) In all cases the arguments are a string, representing a routine name, and a type-id (obtained through eif_type_id or eif_generic_ic): char starroutine_name; EIF_TYPE_ID type_id; These functions look for a routine of name routine_name in the base class of the type corresponding to type_id. If no such routine exists, the result is a null pointer. Otherwise it is a pointer to a C function representing the desired routine; you may then call that function on appropriate arguments. There is a major difference between the Eiffel call and its C emulation: Cecil does not apply dynamic binding. What you get from eif_proc or one of its sisters is a pointer to a function representing the exact Eiffel routine of the given name in the given class. In the presence of polymorphism and redeclaration, the Eiffel call may trigger a different version of go depending on the type of the object attached to your_list at the time the call is executed. The C form will always call the same version, regardless of the object's type. The next Cecil facility enables the C side to access fields of complex objects, corresponding to attributes of the generating classes. To obtain a field of an object, use the macro eif_field. You may use the result of eif_field in two different ways: as an expression, or ``r-value'' in C terminology; or as a writable entity, or ``l-value'', which may then be the target of an assignment. Such an assignment will re-attach the corresponding object field. Function eif_field takes three arguments. The first is a value of type EIF_OBJ, representing an object; do not forget to protect it by eif_access. The second is a string giving the name of the desired attribute. The third is one of the following values, describing the type of the attribute: EIF_BOOLEAN EIF_CHARACTER EIF_INTEGER EIF_REAL EIF_DOUBLE EIF_POINTER EIF_REFERENCE The result of eif_field is undefined if the object does not have a field with the given name and type. To call an Eiffel function returning a Bit_type result, use this scheme: EIF_BIT your_bit; EIF_FN_BIT your_function; ... your_function = eif_fn_bit (function_name, type_id); your_bit = (your_function) (eif_access (object), actual_1, actual_2, ...) The last instruction assigns to your_bit a reference to the bit sequence returned by the function. EIF_BIT describes a pointer type. Similarly, you may access and modify Bit_type fields as follows: EIF_BIT your_bit1, your_bit2; ... your_bit1 = eif_bit_field (eif_access (your_object), "some_bit_attribute"); eif_bit_set_field (eif_access (your_object), "some_bit_attribute", your_bit2); Here two primitives are needed. Function eif_bit_field takes two arguments, an object pointer (returned by eif_access) and an attribute name. In contrast with eif_field, the result of eif_bit_field may only be used as an expression (r-value), not as a writable variable. To change the value of a Bit_type field, use eif_bit_set_field, whose last argument is the new value, of type EIF_BIT. If the object has no appropriate Bit_type field, eif_bit_field returns the value EIF_NO_BFIELD and the effect of eif_bit_set_field is undefined. The following primitives are applicable to your_bit of type EIF_BIT: eif_bit_set (your_bit, position) eif_bit_clear (your_bit, position) eif_bit_ith (your_bit, position) eif_bit_length (your_bit) eif_bit_clone (your_bit) Here position is an integer index which must be in the range of the bit sequence (counted from 1); otherwise the first two calls have undefined results, and eif_bit_ith returns EIF_NO_BIT. Routines eif_bit_set and eif_bit_clear set the element of index position to 1 and 0, respectively. Function eif_bit_ith returns an integer, the value of the element of index position. Function eif_bit_length returns an integer, the length of the sequence. Function eif_bit_clone returns an EIF_BIT, a fresh copy of the bit sequence passed as argument. 25 Lexical components25.2 CHARACTER CATEGORIESThe discussion will rely on a classification of characters into letters, digits and other categories. To start with, it is useful to have a precise although obvious definition: Definition: letter, digit, alphabetic, Printable A letter is one of the twenty-six elements of the Roman alphabet, lower-case or upper-case: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A decimal digit is one of the ten characters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 An alphabetic character is a letter, a digit, or an underscore _. A printable character is any one of the characters listed as printable in the definition of the ASCII character set. 25.3 BREAKSDefinition: break character, break A break is made of a sequence of one or more of the following characters, known as break characters:
25.4 COMMENTSDefinition: comment Comments may be expected or free:
In both cases the form is the same: a comment is made of one or more line segments, each beginning with two consecutive dash characters -- and extending to the end of the line. ------------------------------------------------------------ Comment (fig) "--" {Simple_string Comment_break ...} Comment_break (fig) New_line [Blanks_or_tabs] "--" ------------------------------------------------------------ 25.5 TEXT LAYOUTAn Eiffel text is a sequence; each of the elements of the sequence is a break, a comment or a token. You may always insert a break between two sequence elements without affecting the semantics of the text. A break is not required between two adjacent elements if one is a comment and the other a token or another comment. Between two successive tokens, a break may be required or not depending on the nature of the tokens. We may divide tokens into two categories:
Definition: symbol, word
It is permitted to write two adjacent tokens without an intervening break if and only if one is a word and the other is a symbol. 25.6 TOKEN CATEGORIESThere are two categories of tokens, fixed and variable:
25.7 RESERVED WORDSReserved words include keywords and predefined names:
No intervening blanks or other characters are permitted between the letters of a reserved word. Letter case is not significant for reserved words (so that CLASS, result or even rEsULt are permissible forms of some of the above examples.) 25.9 IDENTIFIERSAn Identifier is a sequence of one or more characters, of which the first is a letter and each of the subsequent ones, if any, is a letter, a decimal digit (0 to 9) or the underscore character ``_'' The definition indicates that the first character of an identifier must be a letter; in particular, an identifier may not begin with an underscore. Also, no intervening blank is permitted within an identifier. The validity constraint is obvious: An identifier is valid if and only if it is not one of the language's reserved words. There is no limit to the length of identifiers, and all characters are significant; in other words, to determine whether two identifiers are the same or not, you must take all their characters into account. Letter case is not significant for letters: if you write two identifiers as a and A, or lInKeD_liST and LINKED_LIST, they are considered the same. The recommended style includes some standard conventions: class names and other type names in upper-case (as in LINKED_LIST); names of routines, variable attributes and local entities in lower-case (as in item); names of constant attributes and predefined entities with an initial upper-case letter and the rest in lower case (as in Avogadro or Result). Definition: upper name, lower name the form of an identifier written all in upper-case is called the upper name of the identifier; the form all in lower-case is called its lower name. 25.10 OPERATORSWhen it comes to defining a function with one or two arguments, you may wish to use a prefix or infix name. Definition: operator The names that may come in double quotes after infix (or prefix), and will be used in the corresponding operator expressions, are called operators. There are two kinds of operators: standard and free. A Free_operator is not as free as the name would seem to suggest: Definition: free operator A Free_operator is sequence of one or more characters, whose first character is any one of @ # | & and whose subsequent characters, if any, may be any printable characters. The printable characters include letters, digits, underscore, the four characters permitted as first character of a Free_operator and other special characters such as star, \ and $. They exclude Blank, New Line, Backspace and other characters with no external representation. When used in expressions, the standard operators have various precedence levels, as given in the discussion of expressions; free operators all have the same precedence, higher than that of the standard operators. Examples of free operators, used as function names, were given in the discussion of features. A simple one is @, used in infix form as a synonym for item for array access: a @ i is the i-th element of i. The Basic Libraries contain only a small number of uses of free operators: @ for element access in arrays and strings, # for rotation in bit sequences. Free operators are mostly intended for developers in application areas that have a tradition of specialized notations, such as physics and mathematics. The form of a free operator should attempt to suggest its meaning, just as with a well chosen identifier. The first character of a Free_operator must be one of only four possibilities, not used by any other construct of the language. As a result, any free operator will stand out clearly from its context, and no confusion or ambiguity is possible. 25.11 STRINGSDefinition: string A String --- a specimen of construct String --- is an arbitrary sequence of characters. A Simple_string --- a specimen of Simple_string --- is a String which consists of at most one line (that is to say, has no embedded new-line character).Do not confuse String or Simple_string with Manifest_string, seen in the discussion of expressions. A specimen of Manifest_string, a non-terminal construct, is a Simple_string enclosed in double quotes, as in "SOME STRING". .lW In the definition of String, a ``character'' is a legal Eiffel character as defined later in this chapter. This includes in particular:
25.12 INTEGERSDefinition: integer
If any underscore is present, then there must be three consecutive digits to the right of every underscore, and there must not be any consecutive group of four digits. Underscores, if any, have no effect on the integer value associated with the integer. 25.13 REAL NUMBERSA real number is made of the following elements:
No intervening character (blank or otherwise) is permitted between these elements. The integral and fractional parts may not both be absent. If underscores are used in either the integral part or the fractional part, they must also appear in the other part, unless it has three digits or less. Underscores, if any, have no effect on the integer value associated with the integer. 25.14 BIT SEQUENCESA Bit_sequence is a sequence of digits 0 or 1, followed by a b or B, with no other intervening characters. 25.15 CHARACTERSDefinition: character A character is one of the following. Any key associated with a printable character, except for the percent key %. (The % key plays a special role for cases 2 and 3.)The sequence %k, where k is a one-key code taken from the table given below. This is used to represent special characters such as the Backspace, represented as %B, or characters which are not available on all keyboards, or have different codes on different keyboards. An example is the opening bracket: when supported by the keyboard, this character may be entered using form C1 as [; it may also, in all cases, be represented as %(. The sequence %/code/, where code is an unsigned integer, representing the character of code code. For example in ASCII %/59/ represents the character of code 59, which is the semicolon. The table of special character codes for form C2 is the following._ ------------------------------------------------ Special character Character Mnemonic name Code @ %A At-sign BS %B Backspace ^ %C Circumflex $ %D Dollar FF %F Form feed \ %H backslasH tilda %L tiLda NL (LF) %N Newline ` %Q [back] Quote CR %R [carriage] Return # %S Sharp HT %T [horizontal] Tab NUL %U nUll character | %V Vertical bar % %% percent ' %' single quote " %" double quote [ %( opening bracket ] %) closing bracket { %< opening brace } %> closing brace ------------------------------------------------ 27 Universal featuresThe universal features are those of class GENERAL. They are specified in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. 28 Arrays and stringsArrays and strings are instances of the Kernel Library classes ARRAY and STRING. The specification of these classes may be found in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. 29 Exception facilitiesThe Kernel Library class EXCEPTIONS provides a number of features for fine control of the exception handling mechanism. Their specification may be found in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. 30 Persistence and environmentsClass STORABLE provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving object structures. Its specification may be found in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. 31 Input and outputClasses FILE and STANDARD_FILES provide input and output facilities. Their specification may be found in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. 32 Basic classesThe basic class BOOLEAN, CHARACTER, DOUBLE, INTEGER and REAL describe arithmetic objects; class POINTER describes opaque objects representing addresses to be passed to non-Eiffel software. The specification of these classes may be found in the Proposed Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. D Specifying systems in LaceD.1 OVERVIEWLanguage processing tools need a specification of where to find the classes and what to do with them. Such a specification is called an Assembly of Classes in Eiffel, or Ace for short. This appendix presents a notation, the Language for Assembling Classes in Eiffel, or Lace, for writing Aces. This appendix describes Lace. D.5 Basic conventionsHere is the list of Lace keywords. -------------------------------------------------------- adapt all as check cluster creation ----------------------------------------- Name (fig) Identifier | Manifest_string ----------------------------------------- A consistency condition applies to names used in an Ace: the Cluster_name must be different for each cluster. It is valid, however, to use the same identifier in two or more of the roles of Cluster_name, System_name, Class_name. D.6 ACE STRUCTURE-------------------------------------------------------- (fig)Ace (fig) System Root [Defaults] [Clusters] [Externals] [Generation] end ["--" system System_name] System (fig) system System_name System_name (fig) Name Root (fig) root Class_name [Cluster_mark] [Creation_procedure] Class_name (fig) Name Cluster_mark (fig) "(" Cluster_name ")" Cluster_name (fig) Name Creation_procedure (fig) ":" Name -------------------------------------------------------- D.7 BASICS OF CLUSTER CLAUSES----------------------------------------------------------- Clusters (fig) cluster {Cluster_clause ";" ...} Cluster_clause (fig) [Cluster_tag] Directory_name [Cluster_properties] Cluster_tag (fig) Cluster_name ":" Directory_name (fig) Name Cluster_properties [Use] [Include] [Exclude] [Name_adaptation] [Defaults] [Options] [Visible] end ["--" cluster Cluster_name] ----------------------------------------------------------- D.8 STORING PROPERTIES WITH A CLUSTER--------------------- Use (fig) use File File (fig) Name ---------------------
To keep things simple, the Cluster_properties part contained in a Use file may not itself contain a Use paragraph. D.9 EXCLUDING AND INCLUDING SOURCE FILES----------------------------------- Include (fig) include File_list Exclude (fig) exclude File_list File_list (fig) {File ";" ...} -----------------------------------
D.10 ADAPTING CLASS NAMES------------------------------------------------------------- Name_adaptation (fig) adapt Cluster_adaptation_list Cluster_adaptation_list (fig) {Cluster_adaptation ";" ...} Cluster_adaptation (fig) Cluster_ignore | Cluster_rename_clause Cluster_ignore (fig) Cluster_name ":" ignore Cluster_rename_clause (fig) Cluster_name ":" rename Class_rename_list Class_rename_list (fig) {Class_rename_pair "," ...} Class_rename_pair (fig) Class_name as Class_name ------------------------------------------------------------- D.11 SPECIFYING OPTIONS-------------------------------------------------------------- Defaults (fig) default {Option_clause ";" ...} Options (fig) option {Option_clause ";" ...} Option_clause (fig) Option_tag [Option_mark] [Target_list] Target_list (fig) ":" {Class_name "," ...}+ Option_tag (fig) Class_tag | System_tag System_tag (fig) collect | Free_tag Class_tag (fig) assertion | debug | optimize | trace | Free_tag Free_tag (fig) Name Option_mark (fig) "(" Option_value ")" Option_value (fig) Standard_value | Class_value Standard_value (fig) yes | no | all | Free_value Class_value (fig) require | ensure | invariant | loop | check | Free_value Free_value (fig) File_name | Directory_name | Name -------------------------------------------------------------- A Target_list may only appear in an Options paragraph, not in a Defaults paragraph. A System_tag may only appear in an Ace-level Defaults clause.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fig)Option Governs Possible Default Default values assertion Level of assertion no, require, all Monitoring at each monitoring and ensure, level in this list also execution of Check invariant, loop, applies to the instructions. check, all subsequent levels (ensure implies precondition checking etc.). Value invariant means class invariant; loop means monitoring of loop invariants and of loop variant decrease; check adds execution of check instructions; all means the same as check. collect Garbage collection no, yes debug Execution of Debug no, yes, all or a instructions Name representing a Debug_key. Value yes means the same as all optimize Optimization of no, yes, all, or In the Defaults or generated code a Name Options clause for a representing a given cluster, yes specific governs class-level optimization optimization and all level offered means the same as by the yes. In the Ace-level compiler. Defaults clause, yes governs systemwide optimization, and all means the same as yes plus class-level optimization. trace Generation of run- no, yes or all. time tracing Value yes information for means the every call to, and same as all. return from, routines of classes to which the option applies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.12 SPECIFYING EXTERNAL ELEMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------- Externals (fig) external {Language_contribution ";" ...} Language_contribution (fig) Language ":" File_list Language (fig) Eiffel | Ada | Pascal | Fortran | C | Object | Make | Name -------------------------------------------------------------- D.13 GENERATION--------------------------------------------------------------------- Generation (fig) generate {Language_generation ";" ...} Language_generation (fig) Language [Generate_option] ":" Target Generate_option (fig) "(" Generate_option_value ")" Generate_option_value (fig) yes | no Target (fig) Directory | File --------------------------------------------------------------------- D.14 VISIBLE FEATURES------------------------------------------------------------------- Visible (fig) visible {Class_visibility ";" ...} Class_visibility (fig) Class_name [Visibility_adaptation] Visibility_adaptation (fig) [External_class_rename] [Creation_restriction] [Export_restriction] [External_feature_rename] end External_class_rename (fig) as Name External_feature_rename (fig) as Name Creation_restriction (fig) creation {Feature_name "," ...} Export_restriction (fig) export {Feature_name "," ...} External_feature_rename (fig) rename External_rename_list External_rename_list (fig) {External_rename_pair "," ...} External_rename_pair (fig) Feature_name as Name ------------------------------------------------------------------- G Reserved words, special symbols, operator precedenceG.2 RESERVED WORDS----------------------------------------------------------- alias all and as BIT BOOLEAN ----------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER check class creation Current debug deferred do DOUBLE else elseif end ensure expanded export external false feature from frozen if implies indexing infix inherit inspect INTEGER invariant is like local loop NONE not obsolete old once or POINTER prefix REAL redefine rename require rescue Result retry select separate STRING strip then true undefine unique until variant when xor ----------------------------------------------------------- G.4 OPERATORS AND THEIR PRECEDENCE-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Symbol 12 l (Dot notation for Unqualified_call expressions) _ old (in postconditions) strip 11 not unary + unary -- All free unary operators _ 10 All free binary operators 9 ^ (power) 8 * / // (integer division) \\ (integer remainder) 7 binary + binary -- 6 = /= (not equal) < > <= >= 5 and and then 4 or or else xor 3 implies 2 << >> (for manifest arrays). 1 ; (semicolon as separator between an Assertion_clause and the next) --------------------------------------------------------------------------