This site contains older material on Eiffel. For the main Eiffel page, see

Tell us about your project...

...and let's see if ISE Eiffel can help you bring it to to successful completion quickly and cost-effectively.

1. We develop in-house and/or commercial applications in the field of:
2. Here is a brief description of the project for which we are considering using object technology:

3. This project is a continuance of an existing legacy system written in , or a completely new development. (please describe)
4. Development Platform(s):
5. Deployment Platform(s):
6. Anticipated number of developers on the project:
7. Database(s) we are using or planning to use:
8. The most important features my company is looking for in a development environment?
9. When we expect to begin analysis, design, and development using the selected object-oriented development environment:
10. Languages and development tools we are considering:
Job Title:
Phone: Fax: